Filed As:

Ossaea amygdaloides (DC.) Triana
All Determinations:

Ossaea amygdaloides (DC.) Triana det. M. Reginato, 2009


Brazil. Paraná. Antonina Mun. RPPN Rio Cachoeira, PR 405.

M. Reginato 704 with , 22 Oct 2006

Arbusto 1m, beira da estrada, tricomas róseos. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

Floresta ombrófila densa.


NY Barcode: 02098932
GUID: 0c8d99e5-0cf1-4b24-9552-dd9d9173683f

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Referenced several similar sites with lat/long coordinates already in the database to locate the "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira"; no particular sites were especially useful for establishing the precise location of this collection along Route 405. Therefore, georeferenced this site to a point in the forest adjacent to Route 405 closest to the approximate center of the entire stretch of that road which crosses the "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira", in Mun. Antonina, Paraná. Unfortunately no reliable sources could be found which depict the exact boundaries of the "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira" (also appearing as "RPPN Rio Cachoeira"), therefore estimated it's extent by plotting all the collections reported to have been made within the park that have lat/long coordinates. Since several collections labeled with the name "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira" were found further west than the western start of road 405, I could confidently choose the starting point of 405 to define one end of the target stretch. However, since road 405 continues much further to the east than the furthest east collection labeled with "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira", choose the point along road 405 at the same longitude as the furthest eastward collection labeled with "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira" to define the eastern end of the desired stretch. Beginning at the first chosen point, where 405 begins within the park (-25.309805, -48.745283), used Google Maps - Satellite View, and Measure Distance Tool, to measure a straight line to the second chosen endpoint (-25.3173 -48.6500), then divided that distance by 2 to estimate the location of the approximate geographic midpoint of the target stretch of road. Using Google Maps - What's Here tool, found coordinates (final) for a point in the forest just adjacent to the approximate midpoint. Using Google Maps - Measure Distance Tool, estimated linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates in the forest to the farther of the two chosen endpoints to define 405 within the "Reserva Natural do Cachoeira" (-25.3173 -48.6500). Input linear extent (4.815 km), coordinate precision (0.00001 degrees), datum (WGS84), and measurement error (0.0005 km) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 4817
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-25.3137, -48.6977)


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