Filed As:

Mouriri collocarpa Ducke
All Determinations:

Mouriri collocarpa Ducke det. M. H. Nee, 2012
Note: "but flower buds larger" det. M. H. Nee, 2012


Brazil. Amazonas. Manaus. Ca 90 km N de Manaus, Distrito Agropecuario da Suframa, Rodovia BR-174, km 64, depois 21 km leste na ZF-3, Fazenda Porto Alegre. Reserva Nº 3402, Arvore nº 1492.

H. H. V. Aquino s.n. with , 06 Apr 1989


NY Barcode: 1550897
GUID: c87863ba-ae6a-4a5a-adc2-25184fa71f92

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to 21 km. along road ZF-3. Referred to Suframa website (, which provided a map showing location of ZF-3. Road ZF-3 meets BR-174 at approximately 63 km. from Manaus toward Caracarai. Starting at the junction with BR-174, measured approximately 21 km. (21.0004 km.) east along ZF-3. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find coordinates. Used measurement tool again (Google Maps) to measure the linear extent of Manaus. Input coordinates, linear extent (14317.95 m.), measurement error (.01 m.), and distance precision (100 m.) into the MaNIS Georeferncing Calculator to calculate the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 14369.5
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-2.43418, -59.9048)


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