Filed As:

Aciotis annua (Mart. ex DC.) Triana
All Determinations:

Aciotis annua (Mart. ex DC.) Triana det. K. G. Cangani da Silva, May 2011


Brazil. Roraima. Caracaraí Mun. Parque Nacional Viruá, Planta coletada no desvio da N2 em uma área alagada.

K. G. Cangani da Silva 44 with M. J. G. Hopkins, V. Bittrich, F. N. Cabral, C. Azambuja, V. S. Santos, T. D. M. Barbosa, S. M. Costa, 13 Sep 2010

Sub-arbusto com botões florais brancos e com flores com cálice verde e com pétalas alvas com ápice agudo, estames com filete branco e com antera cor de rosa estigma branco. Phenology of specimen: Flower.


NY Barcode: 01318248
GUID: dff00647-c92e-4b55-a083-0421c61048cf

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates of the center of Parque Nacional do Viruá were located. Linear extent was calculated as the distance between coordinates and farthest expanse of city (43261.1 m). Uncertainty radius was determined using MaNIS Georef. Calculator.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 43263.2
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (1.31833, -61.1319)


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