
Mecranium integrifolium subsp. neibense: Botanical line drawing.

G. Masters

Mecranium integrifolium subsp. neibense: Botanical line drawing by G. Masters, Jr. from Skean, J. D., Jr. 1993. Monograph of Mecranium (Melastomataceae-Miconieae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 39: fig. 29. CAPTION: from the Sierra de Neiba of Hispaniola (from Skean 1826 unless indicated otherwise). A. Habit. B. Detail of twig showing hairs concentrated in grooves. C. Shade-sprout leaf, abaxial surface (Skean 1824). D. Leaf from plant at upper elevations, adaxial surface (Skean 1830). E. Stamen. F. Flower.