
Mecranium axillare subsp. proctorii: Botanical line drawing.

W. B. Zomlefer

Mecranium axillare subsp. proctorii and subsp. axillare: Botanical line drawing by W. Zomlefer from Skean, J. D., Jr. 1993. Monograph of Mecranium (Melastomataceae-Miconieae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 39: fig. 18. CAPTION: (A, C-D, I. Subsp. axillare from Skean 1905; B, E-H. Subsp. proctorii from Skean 1865.) A. Habit. B. Leaf, adaxial surface. C. Leaf blade base, abaxial surface. D. Node of twig. E. Flower. F. Stamen apex, abaxial surface. G. Stamen apex, adaxial surface. H. Stamen. I. Young fruit.