
Mecranium alpestre: Botanical line drawing.

G. Masters

Mecranium alpestre: Botanical line drawing by G. Masters, Jr. from Skean, J. D., Jr. 1993. Monograph of Mecranium (Melastomataceae-Miconieae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 39: fig. 16. CAPTION: (from Skean 2095 unless indicated otherwise). A. Habit. B. Detail of twig. C. Leaf, abaxial surface (Skean 2101). D. Leaf, adaxial surface (Skean 2101). E. Leaf base, abaxial view, showing poorly developed "pseudodomatia" (Skean 2101). F. Leaf base, abaxial view, lacking pseudodomatia (Skean 2101). G. Shade-sprout leaf, adaxial surface. H. Immature flower bud with petal removed. I. Immature fruit (Skean 2101).