Monographs Details:
Morley, Thomas. 1976. Melastomataceae tribe Memecyleae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 15: 1-295. (Published by NYBG Press)
Morley, Thomas. 1976. Melastomataceae tribe Memecyleae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 15: 1-295. (Published by NYBG Press)
Latin Diagnosis - Arbor usque 20 m alta trunco 45 cm diametro, praeter bracteas inflorescentiae glabra; ramuli juvenes teretes vel canaliculati. Petioli 0-5.0 mm longi; laminae 5.0-11.0 cm longae, 2.0-6.0 cm latae, ovatae vel oblongo- vel elliptico-ovatae vel elliptico-oblongae, ápice abrupte acuminato vel interdum acuminato, basi fere truncata usque rotundata usque acuta ángulo incluso 90°, abrupte attenuata in petiolo vel ad basim; superficies costae mediae canaliculata, pagina inferior rotundata usque complana cum pagina folii; nervi laterales desuper invisibililes vel obscure visibiles, desubter invisibiles in sicco. Cryptae stomatatae praesens; sclerides terminales foliariae plerumque Stellatae, interdum columnares, interdum brachiis nullis. Pedunculi 1-flori, 1-5 ad axillas foliorum surculorum recentium, 2.0-10.0 mm longi sub anthesi, ad 13.5 mm longi in fructu cum internodiis 1-2; flores sessiles vel subsessiles pedicellis 0-0.7 mm longis. Bracteae ad apicem pedunculi 2 vel 4, 1.0-1.3 mm longae, 1.8-2.2 mm latae, plerumque late rotundatae, interdum late triangulares acutae vel breviacuminatae, connato-perfoliatae saltern ad basim, persistentes in fructu; bracteae ad nodum pars distantiae ad apicem si praesentes 0.7-1.5 mm longae, 1.0-1.4 mm latae, late triangulares vel triangulares, acutae. Bracteae interdum papillosae prope margines. Calyx ovarium inferior includens 3.8-5.0 mm longus; hypanthium liberum 0.9-1.7 mm longum; lobi calycis 0.6-1.3 mm longi, 1.7-2.8 mm lati, truncati et apiculati, 1.0-1.3 mm longi ab staminibus. Pétala lutea, 5.4-5.6 mm longa, 2.4-3.3 mm lata, ovato-elliptica, ápice acuto. Stamina lutea; antherae 3.2-3.8 mm longae; thecae 2.2-2.7 mm longae, poris apicalibus dehiscentes; glándula 1.8-2.4 mm longa cum centro 1.6-1.9 mm ab ápice antherae; cauda ca 0.5-1.5 mm longa; filamenta 4.5-7.0 mm longa. Ovarium l-loculare, placentatione centrali libera; ovula ca 20 ad eandem altitudinem affixa; stylus ca 12-13 mm longus. Fructus sub-globosus, calyce coronatus, ca 10.5-13.0 mm altus calyce excluso, 12.0-15.0 mm crassus, 1-spermus. Semina 10.6 mm alta, 12.2 mm lata, 7.7 mm crassa.
Description - The epithet torquata, wearing a collar, refers to the appearance of the broad bracts set at the base of the flower. Xylem of lateral veins open above; stomatal crypts Type II, averaging in a leaf ca 42-90 µ in diam, 22-28 µ high, 30-120 per sq mm (extremes 29-125 µ diam., 20-33 µ high, 21-165 per sq mm), upper epidermis one cell thick; hypodermis present and interrupted, or absent; mucilage walls none; free stone cells present only near base of midvein; foliar terminal sclereids basically stellate, the central body mostly 2-4 times as long as wide, sometimes branching, the arms none to several, short to medium length, often columnar, or the whole sclereid columnar. The fruit is neither grooved nor ridged. On the seed the hardened and slightly polished area derived from the outer face of the ovule is narrow, ca 6.5 mm high, broadest at apex where it is ca 3.0 mm wide and roundish, abruptly narrowed below; rest of surface of outer seed face slightly roughened.
Latin Diagnosis - Arbor usque 20 m alta trunco 45 cm diametro, praeter bracteas inflorescentiae glabra; ramuli juvenes teretes vel canaliculati. Petioli 0-5.0 mm longi; laminae 5.0-11.0 cm longae, 2.0-6.0 cm latae, ovatae vel oblongo- vel elliptico-ovatae vel elliptico-oblongae, ápice abrupte acuminato vel interdum acuminato, basi fere truncata usque rotundata usque acuta ángulo incluso 90°, abrupte attenuata in petiolo vel ad basim; superficies costae mediae canaliculata, pagina inferior rotundata usque complana cum pagina folii; nervi laterales desuper invisibililes vel obscure visibiles, desubter invisibiles in sicco. Cryptae stomatatae praesens; sclerides terminales foliariae plerumque Stellatae, interdum columnares, interdum brachiis nullis. Pedunculi 1-flori, 1-5 ad axillas foliorum surculorum recentium, 2.0-10.0 mm longi sub anthesi, ad 13.5 mm longi in fructu cum internodiis 1-2; flores sessiles vel subsessiles pedicellis 0-0.7 mm longis. Bracteae ad apicem pedunculi 2 vel 4, 1.0-1.3 mm longae, 1.8-2.2 mm latae, plerumque late rotundatae, interdum late triangulares acutae vel breviacuminatae, connato-perfoliatae saltern ad basim, persistentes in fructu; bracteae ad nodum pars distantiae ad apicem si praesentes 0.7-1.5 mm longae, 1.0-1.4 mm latae, late triangulares vel triangulares, acutae. Bracteae interdum papillosae prope margines. Calyx ovarium inferior includens 3.8-5.0 mm longus; hypanthium liberum 0.9-1.7 mm longum; lobi calycis 0.6-1.3 mm longi, 1.7-2.8 mm lati, truncati et apiculati, 1.0-1.3 mm longi ab staminibus. Pétala lutea, 5.4-5.6 mm longa, 2.4-3.3 mm lata, ovato-elliptica, ápice acuto. Stamina lutea; antherae 3.2-3.8 mm longae; thecae 2.2-2.7 mm longae, poris apicalibus dehiscentes; glándula 1.8-2.4 mm longa cum centro 1.6-1.9 mm ab ápice antherae; cauda ca 0.5-1.5 mm longa; filamenta 4.5-7.0 mm longa. Ovarium l-loculare, placentatione centrali libera; ovula ca 20 ad eandem altitudinem affixa; stylus ca 12-13 mm longus. Fructus sub-globosus, calyce coronatus, ca 10.5-13.0 mm altus calyce excluso, 12.0-15.0 mm crassus, 1-spermus. Semina 10.6 mm alta, 12.2 mm lata, 7.7 mm crassa.
Description - The epithet torquata, wearing a collar, refers to the appearance of the broad bracts set at the base of the flower. Xylem of lateral veins open above; stomatal crypts Type II, averaging in a leaf ca 42-90 µ in diam, 22-28 µ high, 30-120 per sq mm (extremes 29-125 µ diam., 20-33 µ high, 21-165 per sq mm), upper epidermis one cell thick; hypodermis present and interrupted, or absent; mucilage walls none; free stone cells present only near base of midvein; foliar terminal sclereids basically stellate, the central body mostly 2-4 times as long as wide, sometimes branching, the arms none to several, short to medium length, often columnar, or the whole sclereid columnar. The fruit is neither grooved nor ridged. On the seed the hardened and slightly polished area derived from the outer face of the ovule is narrow, ca 6.5 mm high, broadest at apex where it is ca 3.0 mm wide and roundish, abruptly narrowed below; rest of surface of outer seed face slightly roughened.
This species is distinguished by the combination of its broad leaves, long anther gland, broad bracts just beneath the single flower, and moderately long peduncle. The broad bracts and single flower distinguish it from M. vernicosa, which it resembles in some respects. The broad leaf, long peduncle, and nearly glabrous bracts and calyx separate it from M. duckeana. The long gland and broad bracts differentiate it from M. regeliana.
This species is distinguished by the combination of its broad leaves, long anther gland, broad bracts just beneath the single flower, and moderately long peduncle. The broad bracts and single flower distinguish it from M. vernicosa, which it resembles in some respects. The broad leaf, long peduncle, and nearly glabrous bracts and calyx separate it from M. duckeana. The long gland and broad bracts differentiate it from M. regeliana.
Pará Brazil South America|
Pará Brazil South America|
Common Names: