Taxon Details: Eschweilera spccostarica ined.
Taxon Profile:
Lecythidaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Lecythidaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:
Eschweilera spccostarica ined.
Eschweilera spccostarica ined.
Status: A temporary name given to this species. A final name will be assigned this species when enough information is gathered about the species to justifiy publication.
Description: Leaves: petioles 13 mm long; blades 23-25 x 6.5-7.5cm, narrowly oblong, coriaceous, glabrous, abaxially punctate. Inflorescences terminal (suprafoliar), unbranched spkes; pedicel/hypanthium 5 mm long, truncate at articulation, sulcate, glabrous, lenticellate, drying dull reddish-brown. Flowers poorly known; calyx-lobes 7-8 x 7-8 mm, the bases imbricate.
Distribution: Known only from a single collection
Specimens examined: COSTA RICA. Limón: Near Parismina, 8 km W of Dos Bocas, 8 m alt., 31 Mar 1972 (fl), R. W. Lent 2447 (NY).
Taxonomic notes: This collection is similar to Eschweilera pittieri but differs from it in the more oblong leaves nd the ferrugineous instead of black sepals and hypanthium. Flowers. mature fruits, and seeds showing the type of aril are needed before this species can be published. When collections are made it is very important to photograph the flowers from the side, the top, and the bottom to show the calyx. It is especially important to make a medial section of the flower to show the structure of the androecial hood. Likewise, the fruits should be photographed from the side, the top, and the bottom. It is especially important to show the seeds in the fruit (remove the operculum) and the seeds outside of the fruit. The structure of the aril is very useful in the classification of Neotropical Lecythidaceae.
Uses: None recorded.
Etymology: A species name has not yet been selected.
Status: A temporary name given to this species. A final name will be assigned this species when enough information is gathered about the species to justifiy publication.
Description: Leaves: petioles 13 mm long; blades 23-25 x 6.5-7.5cm, narrowly oblong, coriaceous, glabrous, abaxially punctate. Inflorescences terminal (suprafoliar), unbranched spkes; pedicel/hypanthium 5 mm long, truncate at articulation, sulcate, glabrous, lenticellate, drying dull reddish-brown. Flowers poorly known; calyx-lobes 7-8 x 7-8 mm, the bases imbricate.
Distribution: Known only from a single collection
Specimens examined: COSTA RICA. Limón: Near Parismina, 8 km W of Dos Bocas, 8 m alt., 31 Mar 1972 (fl), R. W. Lent 2447 (NY).
Taxonomic notes: This collection is similar to Eschweilera pittieri but differs from it in the more oblong leaves nd the ferrugineous instead of black sepals and hypanthium. Flowers. mature fruits, and seeds showing the type of aril are needed before this species can be published. When collections are made it is very important to photograph the flowers from the side, the top, and the bottom to show the calyx. It is especially important to make a medial section of the flower to show the structure of the androecial hood. Likewise, the fruits should be photographed from the side, the top, and the bottom. It is especially important to show the seeds in the fruit (remove the operculum) and the seeds outside of the fruit. The structure of the aril is very useful in the classification of Neotropical Lecythidaceae.
Uses: None recorded.
Etymology: A species name has not yet been selected.