Bibliography Details:

Reveal, James L.
Chase, Mark W.
Article or Chapter Title:

APG III. Bibliographic information and synonymy of Magnoliidae

Journal or Book:

Phytotaxa 19: 71-134


An updated classification of the orders and families of flowering plants was published in 2009 by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group along with two companion papers, one a linear arrangement of the taxa, and a second treating the land plants above the rank of order. These papers are combined with full synonymy and bibliographic information along with an index to the names.

KEYWORDS = Angiosperms, flowering plants, Lecythidaceae, nomenclature.

Note by S. A. Mori: Only the first page (71), the pages for the Ericales (103-105) to which the Lecythidaceae are assigned, and the Literature Cited (134) are scanned.