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Displaying 1 - 20 out of 764 Object(s)
Author Year Title Book/Journal
Guidugli, M. C., Guerrieri Accoroni, K. A., Mestriner, M. A., Betioli Contel, Eucleia P., Martinez, C. A., A. L. Alzate-Marin 2010 Genetic characterization of 12 heterologous microsatellite markers for the giant tropical tree Cariniana legalis (Lecythidaceae)  View Details Genetics and Molecular Biology
Santos, Charles F. dos, Absy, Maria L. 2012 Interactions between carpenter bees and orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in flowers of Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. (Lecythidaceae)  View Details Acta Amazonica
Yarsick, S., de Enrech, N. X., Ramirez, N., Agostini, G. 1986 Notes on the floral biology of Couroupita guianensis Aubl. (Lecythidaceae)  View Details Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Santamaría-Aguilar, Daniel, Aguilar, Reinaldo 25/10/2017 Hirtella crusa (Chrysobalanaceae), una especie nueva de la Península de Osa, Costa Rica  View Details Phytoneuron, Digital publications in plant biology
Shetty, S., Ahmad, R. 1993 Succession of mycoflora on leaf litter of Careya arborea Roxb., Terminalia paniculata Roth, Grewia microcos Linn. and Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Theob. in Kaiga forest  View Details Journal of Phytological Research
Aide, T. Mitchell 1991 Synchronous leaf production and herbivory in junveniles of Gustavia superba  View Details Oecologia
Harms, K. E., Aiello, A. 1995 Seed-boring by tropical clearwing moths (Sesiidae): Aberrant behavior or widespread habit?  View Details Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society
Harms, K. E., Dalling, James W., Aizprúa, R. 1997 Regeneration from cotyledons in Gustavia superba (Lecythidaceae)  View Details Biotropica
Albuquerque, F. C. 1960 Mancha parda das fôlhas da castanheira do Pará causada por uma nova espécie de fungo  View Details Boletim técnico do Instituto Agronômico do Norte
Fernandes, N. P., Alencar, J. D. C. 1993 Development of native tree in trial of species: 4. Castanha-do-Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H. B. K.), ten years after planting  View Details Acta Amazonica
Mori, S. A., García-González, Juan D., Angel, S., Alvarado, C. 2010 Grias purpuripetala (Lecythidaceae), a new purple-flowered species from southern Colombia  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Guidugli, M. C., Campos, T. de, Sousa, Adna C. B. de, Massimino Feres, J., Sebbenn, A. M., Mestriner, M. A., Betioli Contel, Eucleia P., Alzate-Marin, A. L. 2009 Development and characterization of 15 microsatellite loci for Cariniana estrellensis and transferability to Cariniana legalis, two endangered tropical tree species  View Details Conservation Genetics
Matos Francisca, A., Amaral, I. L. do 1999 Ecological analysis of one hectare of terra-firme dense tropical rainforest at Estrada da Várzea, Amazon State, Brazil  View Details Acta Amazonica
Palanakumbura, G. W. R. M. C., Wijesundera, R. L. C., Deraniyagala, S. A., Amarasekara, A. S. 1996 Antifungal activity of Barringtonia ceylanica bark extract  View Details Journal of the National Science Council of Sri Lanka
Mori, S. A., Tsou, Chih-Hua, Wu, C.-C., Cronholm, B., Anderberg, Arne A. 2007 Evolution of Lecythidaceae with an emphasis on the circumscription of neotropical genera: information from combined ndhF and trnL-F sequence data  View Details American Journal of Botany; official publication of the Botanical Society of America
Peters, C. M., Balick, Michael J., Kahn, Francis, Anderson, A. B. 1989 Oligarchic forest of economic plants in Amazonia: Utilization and conservation of an important tropical resource.  View Details Conservation Biology; Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
Prance, Ghillean T., Anderson, A. B. 1976 Two new species of Amazonian Lecythidaceae  View Details Brittonia: a journal of systematic botany
Laurance, W. F., Nacimento, H. E. M., Laurance, S. G., Condit, Richard, D'Angelo, S., Andrade, A. 2003 Inferred longevity of Amazonian rainforest trees based on a long-term demographic study  View Details Forest Ecology and Management
Terborgh, J., Andresen, Ellen 1998 The composition of Amazonian forests. Patterns at local and regional scales.  View Details Journal of Tropical Ecology
Angelo, Claudio 2013 Florestas mais iguais  View Details Pesquisa FAPESP