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Miconia silicicola Gleason ( holotype )
Miconia silicicola Gleason ( holotype )
Venezuela. Bolívar. Mount Roraima: river side at Arabupu. Alt. 1280 m. (4199 ft.)
Venezuela. Bolívar. Mount Roraima: river side at Arabupu. Alt. 1280 m. (4199 ft.)
Fruits scurfy, slightly pinkish. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
Fruits scurfy, slightly pinkish. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
River side.
River side.
NY Barcode: 00229376
GUID: 2c0fb17e-b413-4b17-9593-074457024d07
NY Barcode: 00229376
GUID: 2c0fb17e-b413-4b17-9593-074457024d07
Georeferencing Method: Literature (Georeferenced using Google Earth/Maps and the following article & map: G. H. H. Tate. 1930. Notes on the Mount Roraima Region. Geogr. Rev. (New York). 20(1): 53-68, plate II. Map copyright by the American Geographical Society of New York. Noted: Used Google Earth, Google Maps.)
Coordinates: (5.08, -60.7056)
Georeferencing Method: Literature (Georeferenced using Google Earth/Maps and the following article & map: G. H. H. Tate. 1930. Notes on the Mount Roraima Region. Geogr. Rev. (New York). 20(1): 53-68, plate II. Map copyright by the American Geographical Society of New York. Noted: Used Google Earth, Google Maps.)
Coordinates: (5.08, -60.7056)