Narratives Details:

Morphology of the Corythophora clade.

Scott Alan Mori, Caroline Carollo, Nathan P. Smith
Scientific Name:

Corythophora R.Knuth

From Huang et al. (in review)

Corythophora clade (100% BS; Fig. 1A)—This clade includes all four species of Corythophora recognized by Mori and Prance (1990). Species of Corythophora are restricted to Surinam, French Guiana, and central and eastern Amazonian Brazil (Huang, 2010). Morphological synapomorphies of Corythophora include the presence of squamulae on the surface of the inflorescence rachis (Fig. 2A; character 12) and anther dimorphism (36). In addition, the species of Corythophora possess dorsi-ventrally thickened and closed androecial hoods (Fig. 9A, B, F, I; character 33). Within the clade, the species are divided into two subclades (Figs. 1A, 2A): one with C. labriculata (Eyma) S. A. Mori & Prance and C. amapaensis Pires ex S. A. Mori & Prance and the other with C. alta R. Knuth and C. rimosa W. A. Rodrigues. The latter subclades differ from the former by the presence of ligular (32) instead of staminal ring antherodes, non-imbricate calyx-lobes, and a hypanthium and calyx-lobes that are not differentiated in texture and color. The monophyly of Corythophora in this study is congruent with previous studies (Mori & Prance, 1990; Mori et al., 2007; and Huang et al., 2011) and, thus, no changes are needed.
