Monographs Details:
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Description - Trees or shrubs with alternate pinnate leaves, the twigs and petioles commonly prickly. Flowers axillary or terminal, cymose, whitish or greenish, mostly small. Sepals 4 or 5, or none. Petals imbricated. Staminate flowers with 4 or 5 hypogynous stamens. Pistillate flowers with 1-5 distinct pistils, rarely with some stamens. Carpels 2-ovuled. Pods 2-valved, 1-2-seeded. Seeds oblong,- black and shining. [Greek, yellow-wood.] About 150 species, of temperate and tropical regions. Type species: Zanthoxylum Clava-Herculis L.
Description - Trees or shrubs with alternate pinnate leaves, the twigs and petioles commonly prickly. Flowers axillary or terminal, cymose, whitish or greenish, mostly small. Sepals 4 or 5, or none. Petals imbricated. Staminate flowers with 4 or 5 hypogynous stamens. Pistillate flowers with 1-5 distinct pistils, rarely with some stamens. Carpels 2-ovuled. Pods 2-valved, 1-2-seeded. Seeds oblong,- black and shining. [Greek, yellow-wood.] About 150 species, of temperate and tropical regions. Type species: Zanthoxylum Clava-Herculis L.