Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.


Eugenia floribunda West ex Willd., Sp. PI. 2: 960. 1800.

Eugenia protracta Steud., Flora 26: 762. 1843.

Myrciaria protracta (Steud.) Berg, Linnaea 27: 330. 1856.

Eugenia salzmanni Benth., Jour. Bot. Hook. 2: 319. 1840.

Myrciaria salzmanni (Benth.) Berg, Linnaea 27: 331. 1856.

Myrciaria uliginosa Berg, Linnaea 27: 329. 1856.

Myrciaria verticillata Berg, Linnaea 27: 332. 1856.

Myrciaria maragnanensis Berg, Mart. Fl. Bras. 14(1): 372. 1857.

This is the best known and most widely distributed species of the genus, much collected in the West Indies and in Central America as well as in eastern South America. It is the common Myrciaria from Venezuela through the Guianas to eastern Brazil. Its range extends inland along the Orinoco and its tributaries, but on the upper Orinoco it seems mostly to be replaced by M . dubia. Apparently it does not occur on the middle and lower Amazon in Brazil, where M . dubia is common, but it is now reported for the first time from Peru.

For description and additional synonymy see Urban, Bot. Jahrb. 19: 657, 658. 1895; Amshoff, Fl. Suriname 3(2): 108-110. 1951; or McVaugh, Fieldiana Bot. 24(7) [Fl. Guatemala]: 380. 1963.

The name Eugenia floribunda has often been attributed to West, but he pubhshed the name as a nomen nudum, without botanical description, stating merely that the fruit are aromatic, red or yehow, used by the Negroes in making rum (West, H. Bidr. Ste. Croix 290. 1793). Willdenow supplied a description, attributing the name to West but giving the page as 216. The plant in the Wihdenow herbarium may be taken as the type (No. 9524!, labelled "Eugenia floribunda," "in Insula St. Crucis " and "Vahl"). It is an ample flowering specimen of a nearly glabrous plant. P E R U . Loreto: San Antonio, alto Rio Itaya, elev 145 m, 7 Oct 1929 (fr), Williams 3469 (F). San Martin: Tarapoto, elev 750 m, 3 Dec 1929 (fr), Williams 5388 (F). V E N E Z U E L A . Amazonas: Along Rio Orinoco above Tama-Tama, elev 150 m, 28 Jul 1959 (fl), Wurdack & Adderley 43643 (MICH). Bolivar: Rio Paragua, Raudales de Maihia, elev 500 m, 1 Jan 1962' (fr), Steyermark 90490 (MICH); Bajo Rio Caura, San Pedro de Tauca, elev 80 m, 23 Apr 1939 (sterile), Williams 11901 {¥); Chimanta Massif, along Rio Tirica to mouth of Rio Torono, elev 500 m, 9 Mar 1955 (fl), Steyermark & Wurdack 1131 (MICH); Sierra Imataca, Rio Toro N of El Palmar, elev 200-250 m, 11 Dec 1960 (sterile), Steyermark 87910 (MICH), 16 Dec 1960 (bud), Steyermark 88136 (MICH). Delta Amacuro: E of Rio Grande, E N E of El Palmar, Aug-Sep 1964, Marcano B. 337 (MICH, fr), 371 (MICH, fl). BRITISH GUIANA. Mazaruni R., Takutu Creek to Puruni R., 20 Nov 1944 (fl), Fanshawe 2106 {Forest Dept. 4842) (MICH); [Roraima, according to Berg], Schomburgk 562 (W, lectotype of M . uliginosa), 562/847B (K, isolectotype of M. uliginosa); [Roraima, or on the Rupununi River, according to Berg], Schomburgk 958 (W, lectotype of M . verticillata), 958/1316, 1316 (K, isolectotypes of M . verticillata). SURINAME. Vicinity of Moengo, Cottica River, forest over bauxite, 26 Dec 1954 (imm fr). Cowan 38969 (MICH), 19 Mar 1955 (sterile), Maguire 40820 (MICH); without locality, Hostmann & Kappler 1159 (MICH, W , isotypes of E. protracta); Maratakka R., Snake Creek, 21 May 1965 (sterile), Maas {L. B. B. 10836) (MICH). BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Araguari, 2°13'N, 5º58'W, 3 Sep 1961 (fr), Pires et al 50695 (NY); Rio Jari, Santo Antonio da Cachoeira, 30 Jul 1961 (fl), Egler & h-win 46051 (MICH). Rio Branco: ["On the Rio Branco"], Schomburgk 780 (K, type of Eugenia salzmannii; F, M I C H , W , isotypes).