Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1964. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part V. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-278.
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. A tree with dioecious flowers found throughout the basin of the Rio Orinoco and its tributaries from 90 to 115 m, in Bolivar and Amazonas, Venezuela, in addition to the type locality. VENEZUELA. Bolivar: El Tigre, cerca del Rio Cuchivero, WiUieims 13303 (fr. F, US), en selva baja, periodicamente anegada de El Tigre, 13319 (fr. F) ; savanna margins 1-3 km east of Rio Orinoco between mouth of Rio Horeda and Cerro Gavilan (Cerro Carichana), Wurdack & Monachino 39919 ([male] fl. NY) ; frequent on river flood plain at base of Piedra Marimare, east bank of Rio Orinoco, opposite head of Isla el Gallo, 39983 ([male] fl. NY) , locally frequent along Rio Parguaza just below Raudal Maraca (about 110 river km from mouth), 40993 ([male] fl. NY) , occasional along Rio Suapure, between Raudal Budare and Raudal Punta Brava (70-80 river km from mouth), 41264 ([male] fl. NY). Amazonas: in open, Puerto Ayacucho, Holt & Gehriger 404 (fr. NY), 40.5 (fr. NY).
Type. In sylvis calidis, Colombia, Humboldt d- Bonpland 3646 [holotype, ? fl., (s.n.) photo, GH, fragm. leaf, F].
Vernacular Name. Laurel (Williams).
I have not seen the type, only a leaf-fragment; this agrees with the interpretation of Dr. A. C. Smith who, in 1932, compared the last two numbers with the type material at Paris, the fruit of which was then not known. All the above collections are conspecific with Smith's interpretation. It is interesting to note that the nearest relative is seemingly Ocotea rubrinervis, described from Tarapoto, Peru, whose fruit, according to Mez (p. 352), is like that typical of the genus Phoebe. There is no question, however, after consideration of the floral structure, that the species here treated is an Ocotea.
Venezuela South America|