Monographs Details:
Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2003. Meliococceae (Sapindaceae):. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 87: 1-178. (Published by NYBG Press)
Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2003. Meliococceae (Sapindaceae):
Talisia mollis var. marleneana Guarim
Talisia mollis var. marleneana Guarim
Species Description - Slender tree or treelet, 1.5-7 m tall, unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion. Trunk 2.5-8 cm in diam. Distal portions of stem nearly terete, smooth, puberulent. Leaves imparipinnate, spirally arranged on distal portions of stem(s); distal process early deciduous leaving a truncate patch at apex; leaflets 3-15 alternate or opposite, elliptic or oblong, chartaceous, 12-35.5 × 6-13 cm, glabrous, the adaxial surface with prominulous midvein and sunken secondary veins to produce a weakly bullate lamina, the abaxial surface with prominent midvein, secondary and tertiary veins, tertiary veins reticulate, the apex acuminate, the base inequilateral, one side rounded the other obtuse; petiolules to 8 mm long, pulvinate (conical), drying dark brown; rachis 20-75 cm long, glabrous, triangular at base, trullate and sharply angled towards apex; petioles 17-35 cm long, sharply triangular, striate, gradually swollen toward base. Thyrses panicle-shaped, terminal or axillary on distal part of branches, or less often cauliflorous, 11-30 cm long; cataphylls acicular, minute; axes puberulent to nearly glabrous, obtusely to sharply angled, sulcate; bracts and bracteoles deltate, 0.5-1 mm long, tomentulose; dichasia compound, sessile; pedicels 1.5-2 mm long, tomentulose, articulate above the middle. Calyx cream-colored, 1.5-2.7 mm long, pubescent, the sepals 1-1.5 mm long, ovate, concave; petals white, 3.5-5 mm long, lanceolate, abaxially appressed-pubescent, adaxially papillate, obtuse at apex, cuneate at base; appendage slightly shorter than the petals, triangular, adaxially sericeous, abaxially glabrous or papillate; disc annular, tomentose; stamens 8, the anthers lanceolate, apiculate at apex, glabrous, 1-1.3 mm long, the filaments glabrous, of equal or slightly unequal lengths, 1.2-1.4 mm long; ovary ferruginous-sericeous, the stigma elongated, capitate, papillate. Fruit 1-locular, orange-yellow at maturity, ellipsoid, glabrescent, granulate, 2-2.5 cm long, the pericarp coriaceous, ca. 1 mm thick, the endocarp usually glabrous. Seeds ellipsoid, 1 or 2 per fruit. Embryo with cotyledons superimposed, the upper cotyledon larger than the lower one.
Species Description - Slender tree or treelet, 1.5-7 m tall, unbranched or with few ascending, sympodial branches on distal portion. Trunk 2.5-8 cm in diam. Distal portions of stem nearly terete, smooth, puberulent. Leaves imparipinnate, spirally arranged on distal portions of stem(s); distal process early deciduous leaving a truncate patch at apex; leaflets 3-15 alternate or opposite, elliptic or oblong, chartaceous, 12-35.5 × 6-13 cm, glabrous, the adaxial surface with prominulous midvein and sunken secondary veins to produce a weakly bullate lamina, the abaxial surface with prominent midvein, secondary and tertiary veins, tertiary veins reticulate, the apex acuminate, the base inequilateral, one side rounded the other obtuse; petiolules to 8 mm long, pulvinate (conical), drying dark brown; rachis 20-75 cm long, glabrous, triangular at base, trullate and sharply angled towards apex; petioles 17-35 cm long, sharply triangular, striate, gradually swollen toward base. Thyrses panicle-shaped, terminal or axillary on distal part of branches, or less often cauliflorous, 11-30 cm long; cataphylls acicular, minute; axes puberulent to nearly glabrous, obtusely to sharply angled, sulcate; bracts and bracteoles deltate, 0.5-1 mm long, tomentulose; dichasia compound, sessile; pedicels 1.5-2 mm long, tomentulose, articulate above the middle. Calyx cream-colored, 1.5-2.7 mm long, pubescent, the sepals 1-1.5 mm long, ovate, concave; petals white, 3.5-5 mm long, lanceolate, abaxially appressed-pubescent, adaxially papillate, obtuse at apex, cuneate at base; appendage slightly shorter than the petals, triangular, adaxially sericeous, abaxially glabrous or papillate; disc annular, tomentose; stamens 8, the anthers lanceolate, apiculate at apex, glabrous, 1-1.3 mm long, the filaments glabrous, of equal or slightly unequal lengths, 1.2-1.4 mm long; ovary ferruginous-sericeous, the stigma elongated, capitate, papillate. Fruit 1-locular, orange-yellow at maturity, ellipsoid, glabrescent, granulate, 2-2.5 cm long, the pericarp coriaceous, ca. 1 mm thick, the endocarp usually glabrous. Seeds ellipsoid, 1 or 2 per fruit. Embryo with cotyledons superimposed, the upper cotyledon larger than the lower one.
This species is characterized by its sharply triangular petioles and lower parts of rachises; distal portion of the rachis trullate; essentially glabrous foliage; petals appressed-pubescent on abaxial surface; stamens 8 with lanceolate anthers; and disc tomentose. The species is closely related to T. longifolia, however, it differs from it by its chartaceous, dull, elliptic or oblong, sub-bullate (vs. coriaceous, lustrous, narrow elliptic to oblanceolate, flattened) leaflets with abaxially smooth surface and prominent tertiary veins (vs. surface with scurfy-like punctations and tertiary veins not prominent or only slightly so). The specific epithet honors Dra. Marlene Freitas da Silva from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia, Brazil.Phenology. Flowers from April to November and fruits from July to February.
This species is characterized by its sharply triangular petioles and lower parts of rachises; distal portion of the rachis trullate; essentially glabrous foliage; petals appressed-pubescent on abaxial surface; stamens 8 with lanceolate anthers; and disc tomentose. The species is closely related to T. longifolia, however, it differs from it by its chartaceous, dull, elliptic or oblong, sub-bullate (vs. coriaceous, lustrous, narrow elliptic to oblanceolate, flattened) leaflets with abaxially smooth surface and prominent tertiary veins (vs. surface with scurfy-like punctations and tertiary veins not prominent or only slightly so). The specific epithet honors Dra. Marlene Freitas da Silva from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia, Brazil.Phenology. Flowers from April to November and fruits from July to February.
Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America|
Brazil South America| Amapá Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America|
Common Names:
Pitomba, pitomba da mata
Pitomba, pitomba da mata