Monographs Details:

Sleumer, Hermann O. 1984. Olacaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 38: 1-159. (Published by NYBG Press)


Hesioda perianthomega Vell., Heisteria coccinea Jacq., Heisteria raddiana Benth. ex Hook., Heisteria laxiflora Engl., Heisteria brasiliensis Engl., Rhaptostylum brasiliense (Engl.) Kuntze, Heisteria cyanocarpa Poepp., Heisteria salicifolia Engl., Heisteria minor Glaz., Casearia selloana Eichler

Species Description - Glabrous shrub or usually tree, (1.5-)4-12 m tall; trunk to 25 cm diam. Branchlets slender, youngest parts angular, older ones covered with gray transversely fissured cork. Leaves variable in shape and size, oblong to elliptic- or obovate-oblong, sometimes narrowly so, or even lanceolate, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, apex short-acuminate, sometimes subfalcate, tip subacute or obtuse, base broadly cuneate to obtuse or rounded, laticifers flat or hardly raised, usually faintly visible in dry specimens, somewhat shiny on both surfaces, olive- to dark brown in the dry state, more or less densely tuberculate on both surfaces, not properly wrinkled, edge slightly revolute, (6-) 10-15(-20, -25) x (2-)3-5(-8, -10) cm, midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, lateral nerves (6-)7-9(-11) pairs rather straight from midrib, curved-ascending and looping only before the edge, usually faintly impressed (as is the reticulation) above, though not rarely practically plane or even obscurely raised there, always raised beneath, reticulation of veins and veinlets finely though distinctly prominent beneath; petiole rugulose lengthwise, not swollen distally, 1-1.5 cm x ca. 1.5 mm. Flowers few to rather numerous in dense axillary clusters on small multibracteolate cushions, subsessile, i.e. pedicels rarely to 1 mm long in anthesis. Calyx 5-lobed halfway or more, lobes triangular with a minute apical gland, 1-1.5 mm long. Petals lanceolate, subacute, white to greenish, hairy at the middle inside, 2.5(-3) x 1.5(-2) mm. Stamens 10; filaments filiform. Ovary thickened at base. Drupe ellipsoid, sometimes subobovoid, smooth, whitish or pale, ca. 10 x 7 mm. Fruit-calyx thick-membranaceous, fleshy when fresh, scarlet red, 5-lobed to almost the base, expanded (2-)2.5(-3) cm diam., lobes ovate, subacute, or obtuse, plicate, remaining erect, including the drupe; peduncle slender, 2-3(-5) mm long.


Specimens with flowers in bud state or immature (maybe galled) fruits are difficult to distinguish from H. ovata Bentham.

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