Filed As:
Zanthoxylum stelligerum Turcz.
Zanthoxylum stelligerum Turcz.
All Determinations:
Zanthoxylum stelligerum Turcz. det. C. Reynel, 1993
Zanthoxylum stelligerum (Turcz.) Kaastra det. R. C. Kaastra
Note: comb. ined. (see Fagara)
Zanthoxylum stelligerum Turcz. det. C. Reynel, 1993
Zanthoxylum stelligerum (Turcz.) Kaastra det. R. C. Kaastra
Note: comb. ined. (see Fagara)
Brazil. Bahia. Serra do Açuruá. Ca. 4 km N of Sao Inácio on road to Xique Xique. Alt. 500 m. (1640 ft.)
Brazil. Bahia. Serra do Açuruá. Ca. 4 km N of Sao Inácio on road to Xique Xique. Alt. 500 m. (1640 ft.)
R. M. Harley 19053 with S. J. Mayo, R. M. Storr, T. S. Santos, & R. S. Pinheiro, 25 Feb 1977
R. M. Harley 19053 with S. J. Mayo, R. M. Storr, T. S. Santos, & R. S. Pinheiro, 25 Feb 1977
Shrub to ca. 3-4 m. [See specimen label for additional information]. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Shrub to ca. 3-4 m. [See specimen label for additional information]. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Cerrado on stony ground with shallow soils and nearby stream through caatinga with small dam with marshy ground. This plant in caatinga.
Cerrado on stony ground with shallow soils and nearby stream through caatinga with small dam with marshy ground. This plant in caatinga.
NY Barcode: 382759
GUID: 8c62b1be-a435-4951-b091-16b2c52376d8
NY Barcode: 382759
GUID: 8c62b1be-a435-4951-b091-16b2c52376d8
Coordinates: (-11.08, -42.72)
Coordinates: (-11.08, -42.72)