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All Determinations:

Daphnopsis det. Z. S. Rogers, 2009



Brazil. Bahia. Una Mun. Rodovia BA-265, a 25 km de Una. Região de Mata Higrófila Sul Baiana. Alt. 50 - 75 m. (164 - 246 ft.)

S. A. Mori 9316 with J. A. Kallunki & T. D. Pennington, 26 Fev. 1978

Arbusto, 0.75 m de altura, não ramificado. Frutos brancos.

NY Barcode: 01310673
GUID: c32e970f-9886-40b0-9b23-f62dc9e9bd02

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (No road section formally called BA-265 exists at present within the Municipality of Una, in the state of Bahia. Through personal communication with the collector, Scott Mori (NYBG), the present day identity of the road described in this locality description as BA-265 was established to be a section of road now called BA-676 which runs from Rio Branco to Colonia Do Una, and continues on to the present municipality seat of Una. In addition, judging solely from the collection information provided on the label and in the precise location field in EMu, it is impossible to determine either the direction of travel (westward or eastward) along BA-676 (old name: BA-265), or the location of the starting position (the present municipality seat of Una, or the smaller settlement referred to as "Colônia de Una" in Google Maps) that is being indicated. Fortunately, additional locality information pertaining to similar collections was found in Scott Mori's fieldbook (See site IRN: 35762), which strongly suggests that these and similar collections must have been made west along BA-676 starting from the small settlement marked as "Colônia de Una" on Google Maps. Therefore, georeferenced to 25 along road BA-676 from the settlement of Colônia de Una to the west towards Rio Branco, in Mun. Una, Bahia. Using Google Maps - Satellite View, located Colônia de Una and BA-676. Beginning at the point along BA-676 closest to the approximate geographic center of the settlement of Colônia de Una (-15.2633249 -39.1452259), used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure approximately 25 km (25000.1 m) along BA-676 in the westward direction. Using Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs, found coordinates for the offset. Used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) again to find the linear extent of the starting location of the offset, the town of Colônia de Una, by measuring from the selected starting coordinates at the approximate geographic center of town to the farthest extent of the town. Input coordinates, linear extent (575.712 m), measurement error (0.001 m), and distance precision (100 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 627.282
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-15.2489, -39.3008)


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