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Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff
All Determinations:

Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff det. R. C. Barneby, 1994


Brazil. Espírito Santo. Aracruz Mun. Rodovia Coqueiral - Regência, ramal a E da estrada a 2 km do trevo de Barra do Riacho, Restinga de Comboios, propriedade da Aracruz Florestal S. A.

J. R. Pirani 3064 with J. A. Kallunki, I. Cordeiro & P. L. R. Moraes, 21 Feb 1994

Erva volúvel na orla da mata de restinga, ao sol. Inflorescência eretas, eixo escuro, cálice vináceo, corola violeta, tendo o estandarte mancha alva no centro-basal. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

Orla da mata de restinga, ao sol.

NY Barcode: 600421
GUID: 0b421b5c-ce67-4f25-b333-7bc0a0c94024

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to the approximate center of the conspicuous piece of private property (presumably owned by the nearby paper company, Aracruz Florestal S. A.) which is boarded by the Restinga de Comboios, and contains a large expanse of intact Coastal Forest habitat, found at the end of an unnamed road branching to the E from road ES-010 (Rodovia Coqueiral - Regência), at almost exactly 2 km along the road from the cloverleaf intersection ("trevo") leading to the port of Barra do Riacho, in Mun. Aracruz, Espírito Santo. Used Google Maps - Satellite View, Measure Distance tool, and Street View, to locate the property just mentioned. Using Google Maps - What's Here tool, found coordinates (final) for the approximate geographic center of the property. Becasue the maximum boundaries of the property could be defined by the surrounding road, Used Google Maps - Measure Distance tool to find linear extent by measureing from the selected coordinates near the center of the property to the farthest extent of the area within the bounding road (-19.872250, -40.078590). Input linear extent (2611.0 m), coordinate precision (0.00001 degrees), datum (WGS84), and measurement error (0.5 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the Uncertainty radius (according to Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Named Place: Defined area).)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 2613.07
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-19.852, -40.0659)


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