Filed As:
Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez
Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez
Brazil. Rondônia. Rio Pacaas Novos, 8-25 km. above mouth.
Brazil. Rondônia. Rio Pacaas Novos, 8-25 km. above mouth.
G. T. Prance 6836 with E. Forero, B. L. Wrigley, J. F. Ramos & L. G. Farias, 06 Aug 1968
G. T. Prance 6836 with E. Forero, B. L. Wrigley, J. F. Ramos & L. G. Farias, 06 Aug 1968
Tree, 8m. x 10 cm. diameter. Corolla white, stamens green.
Tree, 8m. x 10 cm. diameter. Corolla white, stamens green.
NY Barcode: 01195009
GUID: 6e1fc1e3-089d-4f86-9fb7-bb617c550068
NY Barcode: 01195009
GUID: 6e1fc1e3-089d-4f86-9fb7-bb617c550068
Related Objects:
Specimen - 01195010, G. T. Prance 6836, Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez, Lauraceae (120.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Brazil, Rondônia
Specimen - 01195010, G. T. Prance 6836, Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez, Lauraceae (120.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Brazil, Rondônia
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to 16.5 km "above," or upstream, from the mouth of Rio Pacaás Novos in Mun. Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia. Using Google Maps - Satellite view, located Rio Pacaás Novos, a tributary of Rio Mamoré. Beginning at the mouth of Rio Pacaás Novos (confluence of Rio Pacaás Novos and Rio Mamoré), used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure approximately 16.5 km (16.4943 km) upstream (toward the headwaters) along Rio Pacaás Novos. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates of the offset, along the adjacent northern shore of the river (collection assumed to be terrestrial). Used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) again to find the linear extent of the starting location, the mouth of Rio Pacaás Novos, by measuring from the approximate geographic center of the mouth to the farthest extent of the confluence. Input coordinates, linear extent (1.05467 km), measurement error (0.0005 km), and distance precision (1 km) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius. Added 8.5 km (half of the range) to the uncertainty radius to account for the added uncertainty of the offset provided in a range format.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 10057
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-10.97, -65.2188)
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to 16.5 km "above," or upstream, from the mouth of Rio Pacaás Novos in Mun. Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia. Using Google Maps - Satellite view, located Rio Pacaás Novos, a tributary of Rio Mamoré. Beginning at the mouth of Rio Pacaás Novos (confluence of Rio Pacaás Novos and Rio Mamoré), used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure approximately 16.5 km (16.4943 km) upstream (toward the headwaters) along Rio Pacaás Novos. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates of the offset, along the adjacent northern shore of the river (collection assumed to be terrestrial). Used the Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) again to find the linear extent of the starting location, the mouth of Rio Pacaás Novos, by measuring from the approximate geographic center of the mouth to the farthest extent of the confluence. Input coordinates, linear extent (1.05467 km), measurement error (0.0005 km), and distance precision (1 km) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius. Added 8.5 km (half of the range) to the uncertainty radius to account for the added uncertainty of the offset provided in a range format.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 10057
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-10.97, -65.2188)