Filed As:
Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez
Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez
Brazil. Rondônia. Porto Velho to Cuiabá Highway, vicinity of Santa Barbara, 15 km E of Km 117.
Brazil. Rondônia. Porto Velho to Cuiabá Highway, vicinity of Santa Barbara, 15 km E of Km 117.
G. T. Prance 6949 with E. Forero, B. L. Wrigley, J. F. Ramos & L. G. Farias, 14 Aug 1968
G. T. Prance 6949 with E. Forero, B. L. Wrigley, J. F. Ramos & L. G. Farias, 14 Aug 1968
Tree, 10 m x 10 cm diametr; flowers white, highly scented.
Tree, 10 m x 10 cm diametr; flowers white, highly scented.
Forest on terra firme, sandy soil.
Forest on terra firme, sandy soil.
NY Barcode: 01195029
GUID: 18130e15-d8e8-4b9b-a16b-992c527f610b
NY Barcode: 01195029
GUID: 18130e15-d8e8-4b9b-a16b-992c527f610b
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates were found by measuring 117 km along hwy BR364 from Porto Velho - Cuiabá. Linear extent was found as dist. from center - farthest extent of starting city (8304.67 m). Offset coord. (15 km E) + uncertainty was determined using MaNIS Georef Calc)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 11683
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-9.25326, -63.027)
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates were found by measuring 117 km along hwy BR364 from Porto Velho - Cuiabá. Linear extent was found as dist. from center - farthest extent of starting city (8304.67 m). Offset coord. (15 km E) + uncertainty was determined using MaNIS Georef Calc)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 11683
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-9.25326, -63.027)