Filed As:

Bactris simplicifrons Mart.
All Determinations:

Bactris simplicifrons Mart. det. J.-J. de Granville, 1987


Brazil. Pará. Oriximiná Mun. Rio Mapuera a 30km da cachoeira Porteira, margem esquerda a 5km da margem do rio. Campina aberta, solo arenoso.

C. A. Cid Ferreira 1203 with , 30 Jun 1980

Palmeira de 1m de altura; frutos imaturos de cor verde.


GUID: 73a98eb2-9c5f-45dc-a2f5-9f6601c645b3

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to 30 km. along Rio Mapuéra beginning at the approximate geographic center of waterfall Cachoeira Porteira, nearby road BR-163 in Porteira, Oriximiná (the waterfall is located at the mouth of river Rio Mapuéra, so no direction for offset is needed). Referred to map "Figure 1: Location map of two sites of archaeological black earth (ABD) investigated at Cachoeira-Porteira, Lower Amazon region" provided by "The ceramic artifacts in archaeological black earth (terra preta) from Lower Amazon region, Brazil: chemistry and geochemical evolution" article for location information for Cachoeira Porteira (Lima da Costa, Marcondes, et al. "The ceramic artifacts in archaeological black earth (terra preta) from Lower Amazon region, Brazil: chemistry and geochemical evolution" (2004) accessed 24 October 2013). The reference map shows that the approximate location of the waterfall is at the junction of Rio Trombetas and the mouth of Rio Mapuéra. Using the reference map and Google Maps - Satellite View, located Cachoeira Porteira. Used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure approximately 30 km. (30.0067 km.) along Rio Mapuéra, beginning at the geographic center of Cachoeira Porteira. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates at this distance along the river, on the adjacent shore. Used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) again to measure total extent of Cachoeira Porteira, the starting location of the offset; halved this distance to find the linear extent of Cachoeira Porteira. Input coordinates, linear extent (1416.42 m.), measurement error (.01 m), and distance precision (100 m.) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 1468
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-1.13534, -57.2079)


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