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Displaying 61 - 78 out of 78 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezS. A. Mori 15614 with J. Pipoly,
14 Apr 1983
French Guiana. Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni. Saül and vicinity. Outskirts of Saül. Secondary vegetation between route de Bélizon and Saül.
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezW. W. Thomas 13270 with P. Fiaschi, J. L. Paixao & S. Sant'Ana,
04 Nov 2002
Brazil. Alagoas. Coruripe Mun. Usina Coruripe, Mata do Riachao. Atlantic Coastal Rain forest (Mata de Tabuleiro).0083589600835896.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezW. W. Thomas 15679 with M.R. Barbosa; J.R. Lima, G.A. Gomes-Costa,
01 May 2012
Brazil. Paraíba. Lucena Mun. Usina Japungu: Forest (Reserva Legal) 5.75 Km N of BR 101 o road to Lucena, then 1-2 Km E on Usina road.0210431802104318.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezT. C. Plowman 8904 with G. Davidse, N.A. Rosa, C.S. Rosário & M.R. dos Santos,
19 Feb 1980
Brazil. Pará. Santana do Araguaia Mun. 100 km. south of Redenção on road (PA-150) to Barreiras dos Campos. Fazenda Inajaporã between Rio Inajazinho and Rio Inajá.01202656v-120-01202656.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezW. J. Hahn 3686
07 Aug 1987
French Guiana. Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni. Commune de Saül - Région de Saül.
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezC. R. Sperling 6022 with M. G. Silva, M. Condon, C. S. Rosario, R. P. Lima, J. C. dos Santos,
09 Jun 1982
Brazil. Pará. AMZA camp 3-Alfa, ca. 6 km. on road northwest of 3-Alfa to camp 4-Alfa.01202657v-120-01202657.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezR. de Lemos Fróes 1721
02 May 1932
Brazil. Maranhão. Cândido Mendes Mun. Maracassumé River Region.00537938v-120-00537938.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezH. M. Curran 334
28 May 1918
Brazil. Bahia. Santo Antônio de Jesus Mun. Pedras Pretas.53793500537935.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezH. M. Curran 334
28 May 1918
Brazil. Bahia. Santo Antônio de Jesus Mun. Pedras Pretas.53793200537932.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezD. Piotto 3391 with Romero, L; da Silva, V.,
10 Jun 2010
Brazil. Bahia. Uruçuca Mun. Parque Est. Serra do Conduru.0267486802674868.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezB. M. Boom 1762
21 Sep 1982
French Guiana. Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni. Commune de Saül - Région de Saül.
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezW. L. Balée 2662
28 Sep 1986
Brazil. Maranhão. Monçao Mun. Urutawy, Ka'apor Indian Reserve, basin of Rio Turiaçu.194542v-120-00194542.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezPessoal do Museu Goeldi s.n.
20 Nov 1908
Brazil. Pará. 01202658v-120-01202658.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) Mez 0403795104037951.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezB. Maguire 40256 Brazil. near Fazenda Natal 10-12 km. northeast of Fazenda Vista Geral, Rio Cotinga.0269568002695680.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezG. T. Prance 10225 with J. R. Steward, J. F. Ramos & L. G. Farias,
25 Feb 1969
Brazil. Amazonas. Basin of Rio Demeni, vicinity of Tototobí.53794000537940.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezJ. G. Jardim 708 with A. M. de Carvalho, A. M. Amorim, S. C. Sant'Ana & G. F. Pitanga,
27 Oct 1995
Brazil. Bahia. Jacobina Mun. Entrada a 2 km na Rod. Jacobina/Capim Grosso. Distrito de Itaitú, situado a 20 km da Rodovia.53793100537931.jpg
Ocotea glomerata (Nees) MezW. W. Thomas 7472 with A. M. Carvalho, T. S. dos Santos,
01 Jul 1991-12 Jul 1991
Brazil. Bahia. Uruçuca Mun. 7.3 km N of Serra Grande on rd to Itacaré. Fazenda Lagoa do Conjunto Fazenda Santa Cruz.53954100539541.jpg