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Displaying 141 - 160 out of 10504 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Guarea polymera LittleE. L. Little Jr. 6404
30 Apr 1943
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. 2 km. south of Playa de Oro.isotype5413300054133.jpg
Guarea polymera LittleE. L. Little Jr. 6404
30 Apr 1943
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. 2 km. south of Playa de Oro.isotype5413400054134.jpg
Trichilia guayaquilensis var. candollei KuntzeC. E. O. Kuntze s.n.
May 1892
Bolivia. Velasco.holotype5484500054845.jpg
Dysoxylum lanceolatum ElmerA. D. E. Elmer 12208
May 1910
Philippines. Capiz. Magallanes (Mt. Giting-Giting); Island of Sibuyan.isotype5403000054030.jpg
Trichilia gilgiana HarmsG. A. Zenker 728 with A. Staudt,
Cameroon. Yaúnde-Station.isolectotype5489300054893.jpg
Trichilia martiana C.DC.J. S. Beard 227
05 Feb 1944
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Buccament Valley.402017v-166-00402017.jpg
Dysoxylum revolutum ElmerA. D. E. Elmer 7250
Jan 1905
Philippines. Leyte. Palo.isotype5404000054040.jpg
Trichilia micrantha Benth.R. Spruce 2286
Jan--Aug 1852
Brazil. Amazonas. Prope Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, ad Rio Negro, Brasiliae borealis.5486300054863.jpg
Trichilia micrantha Benth.R. Spruce 1417
01 Aug 1851
Brazil. Amazonas. Prope Barra [Manaus]. Prov. Rio Negro.isotype5486400054864.jpg
Trichilia micrantha Benth.R. Spruce 1417
Aug 1851
Brazil. Amazonas. Prope Barra [Manaus], Prov. Rio Negro.possible type5486500054865.jpg
Aglaia banahaensis Elmer ex Merr.A. D. E. Elmer 7522
May 1907
Philippines. Quezon. Luzon. Lucban, Province of Tayabas.type5344400053444.jpg
Aglaia umbrina Elmer ex Merr.A. D. E. Elmer 13770
Sep 1912
Philippines. Agusan del Norte. Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta); Island of Mindanao.type5346600053466.jpg
Guarea macrobotrys Poepp. & Endl.E. F. Poeppig s.n.
Peru. Ad Cuchero; "Peruvia subandina".isotype5412600054126.jpg
Guarea macrobotrys Poepp. & Endl.E. F. Poeppig s.n.
Peru. possible type7394600073946.jpg
Dysoxylum sulphureum ElmerA. D. E. Elmer 10928
Jun 1909
Philippines. Davao del Sur. Todaya (Mt. Apo); Island of Mindanao.isotype5404900054049.jpg
Trichilia zenkeri HarmsG. A. Zenker 765 with A. Staudt,
Cameroon. Yaúnde-Station.isolectotype5489500054895.jpg
Ruagea glabra Triana & Planch.H. T. Beck 3090 with Enrique Loachamín, Patrocinio Ortiz, Juan Pascal & Jairo Pascal,
12 Apr 1995
Ecuador. Carchi. Awá Indigenous Territory. Community of Baboso. Road to the ravine "El Mar".88733
Trichilia elegans A.Juss.M. J. Jansen-Jacobs 4160 with B. J. H. ter Welle, C. Gustafsson, V. James, R. Andrew,
18 Jun 1995
Guyana. Rupununi. NE-slope of Mount Shiriri.401999
Trichilia elegans A.Juss.O. C. Pavao 30738 with et al.,
09 Mar 2001
Brazil. Paraná. Ibipora, Facenda Doralice.63198100631981.jpg
Trichilia elegans A.Juss.D. A. Neill 10640 with T. Núnez, J. Machuca,
08 Aug 1996
Ecuador. Guayas. Guayaquil Cantón. Bosque Cerro Blanco. Along loop road to Caseta Pigio and Guacamayo.402000