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Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Memora peregrina (Miers) SandwithF. J. Fernández Casas FC6199 with J. Molero,
11 Feb 1982
Paraguay. Amambay. Unos 40 km al Norte del cruce de Bellavista y Pedro Juan Caballero.48362400483624.jpg
Memora peregrina (Miers) SandwithI. Silberbauer-Gottsberger 999
11 Feb 1971
Brazil. São Paulo. Botucatu Mun. 18 km north of Botucatu, (14 km east of Sao Manuel). Along the Sao Manuel-Piracicaba highway. Near ex-RR station, "13 de Maio".48361800483618.jpg
Memora peregrina (Miers) SandwithW. Hoehne 6110
05 Apr 1966
Brazil. São Paulo. Mogi Guaçú Mun. Mogi-Guaçú, Fazenda Campininha.48361900483619.jpg
Memora peregrina (Miers) SandwithJ. M. de Freitas Campos 84
03 Oct 1961
Brazil. São Paulo. São Carlos Mun. 8 km north of Sao Carlos along road to Agua Vermelha.48362000483620.jpg
Memora peregrina (Miers) SandwithG. Eiten 1622
17 Dec 1959
Brazil. São Paulo. Conchal Mun. Along the road from Conchal to Padua Sales, (24 km WNW of city of Moji-Mirim.). 3,8 km NE of Conchal.483621v-293-00483621.jpg