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Displaying 1 - 33 out of 33 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 3795 with D. Sabatier,
16 Mar 2000
French Guiana. Cayenne. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX). PK 15.6.684271Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 3795 with D. Sabatier,
16 Mar 2000
French Guiana. Cayenne. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX). PK 15.6.684298Fruit of Lecythis pneumatophora. Photo by M.-F. Prévost.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 4507 with D. Sabatier,
23 Mar 2002
French Guiana. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX); km 15.6, derrière les carbets CIRAD, en bordure de bas-fond.00853571Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 4510 with D. Sabatier,
23 Mar 2002
French Guiana. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX); km 15.6, derrière les carbets CIRAD, en bordure de bas-fond.00853596Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 4261
09 Nov 2001
French Guiana. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX); km 15.7.00853570Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 4261
09 Nov 2001
French Guiana. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX), km 15,7.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 4510 with D. Sabatier,
23 Feb 2002
French Guiana. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX), km 15,6.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 4507 with D. Sabatier,
23 Feb 2002
French Guiana. Station de la Piste de St. Elie (ECEREX), km 15,6.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriD. R. L. Sabatier 1754
16 Dec 1987
French Guiana. Piste de S'Elie. ECEREX.684281Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman B1785
09 Aug 1968
French Guiana. Fleuve Approuague, saut Miticonconet, zone montagneuse.684277Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman B2671
10 Jan 1970
French Guiana. Basse crique courouaie (affluent basse Approvague) a 2500 km en amout de la crique Simon.684278Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriM.-F. Prévost 2910 with D. Sabatier,
28 Sep 1989
French Guiana. Piste de Saint-Elie - Interfluve Sinnamary/Counamama.684279Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman B2645
12 Aug 1969
French Guiana. Fleuve Oyapock, crique Cabary.684273Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman 183 with Sastre,
12 Feb 1968
French Guiana. Riviére Camipo, embouchure crique Grand Tamouri, marécage.684274Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman 10 with Sastre,
25 Jan 1968
French Guiana. Riviére Orapu, rive gauche, 10 m aval ancienne scierie, dégrad Neyrat.684275Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman 10 with Sastre,
25 Jan 1968
French Guiana. Riviére Orapu, rive gauche, 10 m aval ancienne scierie, dégrad Neyrat.684276Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman 10 with Sastre,
25 Jan 1968
French Guiana. Riviére Orapu, rive gauche, 10 m aval ancienne scierie, dégrad Neyrat.684297
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriJ.-J. de Granville 16227 with B. Bordenave,
20 May 2004
French Guiana. Piste minière "Coralie (RN2) - ASARCO 6": zone "Crique Orfion." A proximité de point P-67.728896v-245-00728896.jpg
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriJ.-J. de Granville 16227 with B. Bordenave,
20 May 2004
French Guiana. Piste minière "Coralie (RN2) - ASARCO 6": zone "Crique Orfion." A proximité de point P-67.728897
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriG. Lescure 824
21 Dec 1978
French Guiana. St Georges de l'Oyapock, Crique Gabaret.00889336Herbarium sheet of Lecythis idatimon at NY.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriG. Lescure 824
21 Dec 1978
French Guiana. St Georges de l'Oyapock, Crique Gabaret.00889342Herbarium sheet of Lecythis idatimon at NY.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriD. R. L. Sabatier 1753
16 Dec 1987
French Guiana. Piste de Saint-Elie-Interfluve Sinnmary/Counamama.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. H. Ateni J. 536 with H. Richard,
15 Mar 2012
French Guiana. Bac de Roura, Région de Cayenne.Leaves of Lecythis pneumatophora. Photo by H. Richard.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 25752 with B. Keeley & Joep Moonen,
23 Nov 2003
French Guiana. Trésor Nature Reserve, Roura to Kaw road (Route Departamentale #6), PK 29, 17 km E of Roura. In wet area on trail to savanna.728895Seedlings of Lecythis pneumatophora. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 25749 with T. A. Lobova, B. Keeley, B. Moonen & J. Moonen,
22 Nov 2003
French Guiana. Trésor Nature Reserve. Along western border of reserve on Orapu River.807012Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 25728 with T.A. Lobova & B. Keeley,
16 Nov 2003
French Guiana. Saut Athanase tourist camp (4º 11'N, 52º19'W) on the Approuague River, ca. 25 km SW of Regina. At margins of camp and on trail to Cascade. Below 50m.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 25748 with T.A. Lobova, B. Keeley, B. Moonen & J. Moonen,
22 Nov 2003
French Guiana. Near Trésor Nature Reserve (4º 36'N, 52º18'W), on Orapu River. Just outside reserve at SW border of reserve. Below 50m.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 8983 with Y. Veyret,
26 Jan 1977
French Guiana. Route de l'Est. By bridge over the Compté River. 45 km S of Cayenne.holotype28520600285206-01.jpg
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 8983 with Y. Veyret,
26 Jan 1977
French Guiana. Route de l'Est. By bridge over the Compté River. 45 km S of Cayenne.holotype884Holotype of Lecythis pneumatophora.
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 25748 with T. A. Lobova, B. Keeley, B. Moonen & J. Moonen,
22 Nov 2003
French Guiana. Near Trésor Nature Reserve, on Orapu River. Just outside reserve at SW border of reserve.00807011Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriR. A. A. Oldeman B2645
12 Aug 1969
French Guiana. 684280Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriS. A. Mori 25728 with T. A. Lobova & B. Keeley,
16 Nov 2003
French Guiana. Saut Athanase tourist camp on the Approuague River, ca. 25 km SW of Regina. At margins of camp and on trail to Cascade.00807000Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora
Lecythis pneumatophora S.A.MoriH. S. Irwin 48314 with J. M. Pires, L. Y. Th. Westra,
17 Sep 1960
Brazil. Amapá. Rio Oiapoque; Immediately east of Cachoeira Manauá.00690016Herbarium sheet of Lecythis pneumatophora. Photo by NY.