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Term Definition
Aculeus (Latin, pl. = aculei, adj. = aculeate) A prickle or a spine. Prickles on the stem of a plant. Drawing by B. Angell.
Prickle A sharp, pointed outgrowth of the epidermis of stems, leaves and other plant parts; e.g., on the trunk and branches of Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae) and Jacaratia spinosa (Caricaceae), on the stems of Smilax spp. (Smilacaceae), and on the stems and leaves of many species of Solanum. Prickles of a cultivated rose. Photos by S. A. Mori.
Spine A sharp-pointed modified leaf as in most species of Cactaceae . In the palm family (Arecaceae) all sharp outgrowths, regardless of origin, are called spines. Plant of Opuntia triacantha.  Photo by C. Gracie.
Thorn A sharp-pointed, aborted branch that is woody and has vascular tissue. Thorns arising from the stem of a plant. Drawing by B. Angell.
Urticating trichomes Trichomes that cause itching or burning sensations such as in some species of Euphorbiaceae and Urticaceae; sometimes called urticating hairs but urticating trichomes is preferred because it limits the term to plants. Urticating trichomes are thought to protect the plant from predators. Utricating trichomes. Drawing by B. Angell.