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Term Definition
-iform A suffix indicating similarity to another structure, e.g., cordiform (somewhat heart shaped).
-phore (-phorus) A suffix meaning bearing, e.g. a gynophore which is a stalk that bears the gynoecium (chracteristic of Capparidaceae) and androgynophore which is a stalk bearing both the androecium and the gynoecium (characteristic of Passifloraceae). Medial section of a flower of Passiflora. Drawing by B. Angell.
a- A prefix meaning “without,” e.g., a leaf blade that does not have symmetry. Leaf symmetry. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Abaxial Referring to the side of an organ situated away from the axis; i.e., the morphologically lower surface of a leaf. Opposite of adaxial and same as ventral, under, and lower surface. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Abortion The process of arrested development. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Abscission The process by which plant parts, such as leaves, are shed. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Accrescent Enlarging with age, usually referring to parts of an inflorescence or a flower; e.g., the spathe of some Araceae and the calyx of Chaunochiton kappleri (Olacaceae). Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Achlorophyllous Without chlorophyll; i.e., not green; a feature of saprophytes such as the species of Voyria (Gentianaceae), some species of orchids, the Triuridaceae, and the Burmanniaceae and of some parasites such as Helosis cayennensis (Balanophoraceae). Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Acicular Needle-shaped. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Acropetalous Developing from the base toward the apex. Opposite of basipetalous. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Acroscopic Facing or directed toward the apex. Opposite of basiscopic. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Actinomorphic A plant structure capable of being divided, in more than one plane, into two equal parts that are mirror images of one another; this term is most often used to refer to flowers. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Acumen Apex. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Acuminate Gradually tapering to an acute apex with the sides being concave. Tendrils of a Bignoniaceae. Photo by S. A. Mori
Acute Sharp; usually referring to the apex of a flattened structure (such as a leaf) in which the two sides are straight and, when they meet, form an angle that is always less than 90°. Leaf apices. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Ad- A prefix meaning “to” or “toward.” Leaf apices. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Adaxial Referring to the side of an organ facing toward the axis; i.e., the morphologically upper surface of a leaf. Opposite of abaxial and same as dorsal surface. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Admedial Toward the axis of any structure, especially used to describe leaf venation. Opposite of exmedial. Leaf orientation. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.
Admedial Dirigido hacia el eje de una estructura. Término especialmente utilizado para describir el patrón de venas en una hoja. Opuesto a exmedial. Leaf orientation. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.
Adnate Referring to the attachment of one type of structure to another type of structure, as the stamens to the corolla or the stipules to the petiole. Adnate stamens and floral heteromorphy. Photo by S. A. Mori.