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Term Definition
Exudate Any liquid substance emitted from a plant when it is cut; e.g., latex, sap, or resin
Latex Opaque, white, creamy, or yellow, free-flowing exudate, usually observed from a wound in a plant; species of Clusiaceae usually exude latex when wounded. Broken twig of Acer platanoides. Photo by S.A. Mori.
Sap A free-flowing exudate that can be translucent, colorless, yellow, orange, or red. It is not as thick and viscous as latex. Bark and red sap of Virola macrocarpa. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Tannin General term for a heterogeneous group of secondary, water-soluble plant compounds derived from phenols that often give a dark appearance to the cells in which they are found. Bark and red sap of Virola macrocarpa. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Vitta (plural = vittae) An oil tube in the ovary walls of fruits of Apiaceae. Bark and red sap of Virola macrocarpa. Photo by R. Aguilar.