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Displaying 1 - 6 out of 6 Object(s)
Term Definition
Capsule A dry, dehiscent fruit that develops from a syncarpous ovary; it can open in the middle of the locules (loculicidal), along the septa (septicidal), or around the circumference (circumscissile). Lateral view of a loculicidal capsule. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Circumscissile capsule Dehiscing via a line around a fruit with the top usually falling off like the lid of a jar. Immature fruit of Jeffersonia diphylla. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Loculicidal capsule A dry, dehiscent fruit that opens in the middle of the locule. Compare with septicidal capsule. Lateral view of a loculicidal capsule. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Poricidal capsule A capsule that opens via apical pores, e.g., species of the genus Papaver. A poricidal capsule. Drawing by B. Angell.
Septicidal capsule A dry, dehiscent fruit that opens along the septum. A poricidal capsule. Drawing by B. Angell.
Septifragal capsule Referring to a type of fruit dehiscence in which the valves break away from the septa, e.g., in species of Paullinia (Sapindaceae). Same as marginicidal dehiscence. A poricidal capsule. Drawing by B. Angell.