Monographs Details:

New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

Scientific Name:

Gaylussacia resinosa

Species Description - A rigid branching shrub 3-12 dm. tall, its twigs and foliage more or less pubescent and sticky with a resinous secretion when young, leaves firm, the blades elliptic, oval or oblong, sometimes broadest above the middle, firm, obtuse or apiculate, entire, ciliolate, short petioled; flowers in lateral drooping racemes; pedicels 2-8 mm. long, usually with two narrow bracts; calyx about 2 mm. broad, its 5 segments ovate, obtuse, about as long as the tube; corolla obconic, red or reddish-green, 5-6 mm. long, more or less constricted near the apex, the segments ovate, spreading or recurved, revolute, obtuse; filaments winged, pubescent, shorter than the anthers, each cavity of which is prolonged into a tube; drupes globose, 6-10 mm. in diameter, black or rarely white, sweet.


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