Monographs Details:

Pedraza-Peñalosa, Paola. 2010. (Ericaceae, Vaccinieae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 108: 1-126. (Published by NYBG Press)


Latin Diagnosis - Species nova foliis crassis, in sicco leviter rugosis, oblongis vel interdum ellipticis, ad basem truncatis, floribus axillaribus solitariis, bracteolis apicalibus usque ad basim loborum calycis obtegentibus, longitudinaliter striatis, floribus 4-meris, aestivatione calycis valvata, sinubus acutis, corolla alba campanulata, lobis ad margines apicesque abaxialiter puberulis, adaxialiter glabris, staminibus brevibus, bacca alba distincta.

Species Description - Epiphytic or terrestrial shrubs, wiry. Young branchlets not ridged, ± smooth, villosulous, the hairs eglandular and brown, the indumentum of the mature branches similar but glabrate. Leaves 7–8 per cm, spirally arranged, diffuse; petiole 0.8–1(–1.4) mm long, glabrous; lamina succulent and drying slightly wrinkled, oblong or sometimes elliptic, 0.7–0.9 × 0.3–0.5 cm, basally truncate, marginally entire, slightly revolute at base, apically ciliolate with inconspicuous eglandular and glandular hairs (especially in young leaves), apically obtuse, adaxially glabrous or glabrate (in young leaves) with eglandular hairs towards base, abaxially glabrous or glabrate with inconspicuous glandular hairs, the venation adaxially obscure, abaxially 3-nerved with the midvein raised. Axillary solitary flowers; bracts 3–4, chartaceous, ovate, 0.4–1.5 × 0.5–1.8 mm, marginally eciliate, apically obtuse, abaxially glabrous; pedicel 0.3–0.6 mm long, much reduced and hidden by overlapping bracts, glabrous; differentiated apical bracteoles 2, distinct, chartaceous, enveloping to the base of calyx lobes, covering 48–54% of calyx, transverseelliptic, 1.6–2 × 2–2.5 mm, marginally ciliolate with minute eglandular hairs, apically obtuse, the surface longitudinally striate, abaxially and adaxially glabrous. Flowers 4-merous. Calyx aestivation valvate, campanulate, 3–3.3 mm long; tube angled, 1–1.3 mm long, abaxially glabrous; limb 1.9–2 mm long, abaxially glabrate with eglandular hairs (apically), adaxially glabrous; lobes triangular, 1.5–1.9 × 1.3–1.8 mm, marginally ciliate with eglandular hairs, apically acute; sinuses acute (V-shaped). Corolla white, thin-fleshy, bistratose, campanulate, 4.5–4.7 mm long, 4.5–5 mm diam., 4.5– 5 mm wide at throat, abaxially glabrate with scattered glandular hairs on the tube and puberulous toward apex lobes with eglandular hairs, adaxially glabrous; lobes 1.4–1.7 × 2.2–2.5 mm, apically acute, adaxially smooth. Stamens 8, 3.2–3.3 mm long, included; filaments distinct, straight, broader at base, 0.9–1 mm long, abaxially and adaxially glabrous; anthers distinct, small papillae on both thecae and tubules; thecae 1.3 mm long, without basal appendages; tubules 2, distinct, 1.4–1.6 mm long, dehiscing introrsely by longitudinal slits, 0.7 mm long. Ovary 4-locular; style 3.5 mm long, included. Berry white, hemispherical, 6–9 mm diam., the persistent calyx lobes erect or spreading, becoming succulent (at least at base), same color as mature berry; embryo color unknown.

Distribution and Ecology - Disterigma campanulatum is known only from two collections made in the vic. La Bonita, Prov. Sucumbíos, Ecuador (Fig. 14). This species is found in primary montane cloud forests at 2100–2350 m. Flowering and fruiting in Apr and May.


Disterigma campanulatum (Figs. 10D, 16) is characterized by a wiry habit; leaves oblong or sometimes elliptic, basally truncate, and apically obtuse; differentiated apical bracteoles enveloping to the base of calyx lobes and longitudinally striate; corollas white, campanulate, abaxially puberulous on the lobes and adaxially glabrous; stamens 3.2–3.3 mm long with filaments 1 mm or less long; and white berries. The wiry habit, small entire leaves, and campanulate corollas of D. campanulatum recall, in different degrees, those of D. campii and D. dumontii. However, the differences among them are many and are given in Table VII.


Ecuador South America| Sucumbíos Ecuador South America|
