Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part X. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 29: 1-288.


Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. VENEZUELA. Edo. Bolivar: Chimanta Massif, Central Section, mossy scrub forest at base of Upper Falls of Rio Tirica above Summit Camp, 1940 m alt, 7 Feb 1955, Steyermark & Wurdack 566; Agparaman-tepui,.southeastfacing forested slopes below escarpment, 1880-1955 m alt, 26 Feb 1955, Steyermark & Wurdack 1156; Ptari-tepui, southwest slope forest and savannas, 1600-2000 m alt, 17 Dec 1952, Maguire & Wurdack33893; Gran Sabana, Ilu-tepui, ridge east of Mesa Grande, 1650-1800 m alt, 9 Mar 1952, Maguire 33324; Meseta del Jaua, Cerro Jaua, cumbre, along border of Rio Marajano, 1750-1800 m alt, 22-28 Feb 1974, Steyermark et al 109359; Cerro Jaua, cumbre east of Rio Marajano, 1810-1880 m alt, 28 Feb- 1, 2, 5 Mar 1974, Steyermark et al 109668. Territorio de Amazonas: Cerro Marahuaca, montane forest, 1600 m alt, 10 May 1949, Maguire & Maguire 29175.


Venezuela South America|