Monographs Details:

Smith, Albert C. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. camp. Vaceiniaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (1): 41-85.


Species Description - (large vine, scrambling to 7 m.; leaves deep green and dull above, pale and subnitid beneath; peduncles bright green; pedicels red at base, becoming crimson above; hypanthium dull crimson, the calyx-lobes tipped with yellow; corolla doubly constricted, crimson to second constriction, the apex and lobes white; filaments united at base; immature fruit dull green).


I am unable to distinguish the cited specimen from P. columbiensis, typified by a specimen from Cauca and also now known from Antioquia and Putumayo in Colombia. The species is characterized by its narrow, few-nerved leaves, its elongate inflorescence, and its flowers of medium size for the genus, with large calyx-lobes and connate filaments. The Camp collection has the filaments only loosely united and the anthers very inconspicuously spurred, these points of difference from typical material being the only ones observed.

Another specimen that should be considered here is: Camp E-1144 (Santiago- Zamora: Cordillera Cutucu, ridge ascending into central Cutucu, 4,400-4,700 ft. elev., a high-climbing often epiphytic vine; pedicels, calyx, and base of corolla deep coral-red, the apex of corolla white). This specimen differs from no. 4470 and Colombian material of the species in having its leaf-blades thinner in texture and with more obvious venation, and in having its anthers only about 7 mm (rather than 10-11 mm) long; the filaments are clearly connate in some flowers and essentially free in others, while the inflorescence is characteristically elongate. Until a more comprehensive suite of specimens of this immediate alliance is available, I hesitate to suggest that more than one species is included, although this may prove to be the case.


Ecuador South America|