Monographs Details:

Smith, Albert C. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. camp. Vaceiniaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (1): 41-85.


Species Description - (shrub, with branches 3 m. long). (large spreading plant, in part epiphytic; flowers pink). (arching epiphyte, common at lower elevations). (epiphytic vine; hypanthium pale red; corolla pale yellow at anthesis, later pale red). (immense climbing and epiphytic plants, some 5 m. across and hanging over 10 m., pedicels and calyx pink-tinged; corolla yellow in bud, at anthesis tinged with pink under the crimson hairs; body of corolla red at about time it is ready to fall, and crimson as it lies on the ground; some plants with flowers redder than others at anthesis). (high-climbing epiphyte, leaves green above, paler beneath; pedicels and hypanthium crimson; corolla yellow in bud, with crimson hairs, becoming red or even crimson in age, apically constricted; filaments and connectives white, the anthers yellow).


The excellent series of specimens cited forms a welcome addition to the herbarium material of this species, which otherwise I have known only from southern Colombia (Cauca, El Yalle, Narino, and Putumayo). Dr. Camp's material, of course, demonstrates a few minor variations from the original description, but the fundamental characters of the species are unmistakable.

Ecuador South America|