Monographs Details:

Smith, Albert C. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. camp. Vaceiniaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (1): 41-85.


Species Description - (shrub 4 m.; leaves dull, deep green above, pale beneath; corolla deep pink toward base, apically white, becoming crimson with age). (crest of the eastern Cordillera on the trail between Sevilla de Oro and Mendez), (erect shrub 2 m.; flowers deep red). (shrub 2 m.; leaves deep green above, pale beneath; corolla basally crimson, the apex and lobes pale pink).


Macleania ecuadorensis has the leaves characteristically white-pilose beneath, with prominent secondary nerves, and regularly oval in shape. However, no. 1758 has narrower than typical leaves, while nos. 725A and 5157 have the calyx and corolla faintly pilose. The entity seems hardly more than an expression of charactercombinations in the general complex of M. rupestris and M. hirtiflora.

Ecuador South America|