Monographs Details:

Smith, Albert C. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. camp. Vaceiniaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (1): 41-85.


Distribution and Ecology - Pichincha: Along the road from Quito to Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, Camp E-1734. Azuay: The eastern Cordillera, vicinity of the village of Sevilla de Oro and 1-8 km. northward, Camp E-4442 (NY only), E-4560, E-4740, s. n. (July-Sept. 1945) (NY only). El Oro: In Moro-Moro region, about 21 miles west of Portovelo, Camp E-631 (NY only). Loja: "Oriente" Border, crest of the Cordillera de Zamora, east of Loja,. Camp E-77. Hda. Anganuma, at headwaters of Rio Cachiyacu, on west slopes of Cordillera Condor, about 46 km. south of Loja, Jorgensen & Prieto PJ-50B (NY only). Santiago-Zamora: Eastern slope of the Cordillera, valley of the Rios Negro and Chupianza, region of Tambo Consuelo, Camp E-1602 (NY only).


The cited specimens were collected at elevations of 3,400 to 10,000 ft.; the plant is usually an epiphytic vine, but sometimes terrestrial with branches hanging over rocks; leaves crisp-coriaceous, deep green above and paler beneath; corolla white to pinkish or crimson (in plants not otherwise distinguishable); fruit pale blue, translucent.

These collections are fairly diverse, but I expect that the range of variation which I previously indicated (Brittonia 1: 213, 214. 1933) is not exceeded; degree of floral pubescence and size of corolla seem to be unstable in this species, and flower-color also seems unreliable. The most extreme of the cited specimens is no. 1734, which perhaps ought to be excluded from the species; it is a shrub 1 m. high, with very short (5-7 mm.) pedicels and small, essentially glabrous flowers. Such short pedicels are found in S. sodiroi (Hoer.) A. C. Smith, also from the Province of Pichincha, but in that species the flowers are densely villose, with comparatively large corollas and long filaments. Sphyrospermum sodiroi is recorded (Haught 3228a, US) as abundant along the Quito-Santo Domingo road, the precise locality of Camp's no. 1734, indicating the possibility that the two species hybridize in this region, if, indeed, S. sodiroi is more than a very extreme form of S. cordifolium.


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