Monographs Details:

Luteyn, James L. 1976. A revision of the Mexican Central American species of Cavendishia (Vacciniaceae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 28 (3): 1-138.

Scientific Name:

Cavendishia morii Luteyn

Species Description - Epiphytic shrub. Mature branches and twigs terete, striate, glabrous, tan to reddish-brown when dry, sometimes glaucous. Petioles terete, striate, (4-)7-10(-14) mm long and 2-2.5 mm diameter, sparsely pilose when young glabrous at maturity, dark reddish-brown. Leaves oblong, elliptic, ovate-elliptic, (7-) 10-14(-16) cm long and (3-)4-6 cm broad, basally rounded, obtuse or subtruncate, apically long acuminate or abruptly short acuminate, brown or olive-brown when dry, glabrous; 5(-7)-plinerved, midrib and lateral nerves slighdy impressed above, raised and prominent beneath, veinlets slightly raised but obscure on both surfaces. Infiorescence 15-25 flowered; rachis bluntly angled, smooth or slightly striate, glabrous, (2.5-)7-9 cm long and 2-4 mm diameter at base. Floral bracts smooth, glabrous, elliptic, 15-20 mm long and 8-10 mm broad, basally obtuse, apically rounded to obtuse, reddish. Pedicels swollen distally, striate, glabrous, 8-10 mm long and 1 mm diameter at anthesis, lengthening to 17 mm long after anthesis. Bracteoles ovate-lanceolate, 1.5 mm long and 0.75 mm broad, apically acute, glandular callose-thickened marginally and distal half. Calyx glabrous, 5 mm long; tube short cylindric, coarsely ribbed, 1.5 mm long, strongly apophysate basally; limb erecto-patent to slightly campanulate, rugose, 3.5 mm long including lobes; lobes broadly triangular to somewhat ovateapiculate, 1 mm long, erect after anthesis, completely glandular callosethickened; sinus obtuse. Corolla slightly narrowed at base and throat, 18-20 mm long and 4.5 mm diameter, glabrous; lobes triangular or oblong, obtuse, 1 mm long, tips callose-thickened. Stamens 18.5-19 mm long; filaments pilose distal half, alternately either 2 mm or 4 mm long; anthers including tubules alternately either 18 mm or 16 mm long; thecae 5.5-6.5 mm long. Style 19 mm long. Berry spherical, glabrous, about 11-12 mm diameter. Phenology: Flowering April and Dec.-Jan.


Cavendishia morii is most closely related to C. subfasciculata from Chiriqui Province, Panama. Together they share the essential characters of calyx and bracteole gland types, and the unique character of callose-thickened corolla lobes. Cavendishia morii m a y be easily distinguished from C. subfasciculata by longer, more floriferous rachises with inflorescences fusiform in bud, floral bracts which are not emarginate apically, and smaller flowers.

Type: Panama. Province of Darien. Cerro Pirre, 11 April 1967, Bristan 587(3) (Holotype: DUKE! isotype: MO!).


Panama Central America|