Monographs Details:

Klotzsch, Johann F. 1851. Linnaea. 24: 22.


Species Description - Epiphytic or terrestrial straggly shrub; branches 1-2.5(-4) m long, stout, terete, glabrous, grayish to brown or reddish-brown. Leaves chartaceous to coriaceous, oblong, ovate-oblong, lance-oblong or elliptic, (6-)10-25(-29) x (2-)4-10(-14) cm, basally cuneate, rarely rounded, apically acute to acuminate, entire, slightly revolute, glabrous or rarely inconspicuously glandular strigillose beneath, trichomes 0.2 mm long or less, drying reddish-brown; 3-(5)-plinerved, the midvein and the principal paralleling veins either impressed or slightly elevated on the upper surface and prominently elevated beneath, the veinlets drying reticulate slightly elevated on both the surfaces. Inflorescences often numerous, pendent, usually cauliflorous, either arising from a low padlike mound ('pin-cushion') or shortly racemose, 3-10(-30)-flowered; rachis striate, glabrous, 5-15(-40) mm long, glabrous or rarely sparsely puberulent, terete, often distally swollen, 8-20(-25) mm long; floral bract basal, inconspicuously ciliate, triangular, (1.8-)2-3(-4) mm long; bracteoles 2, alternate, narrowly triangular, acute, inconspicuously ciliate, 1-1.5(-2) mm long. Flowers with the hypanthium glabrous, coriaceous, campanulate, occasionally slightly enlarged at the base, 1.5-2.5 x 3-4.2 mm in diam. at anthesis; limb drying thinly coriaceous, nearly truncate, slightly flaring, 1.5-2.2(-3) mm long including the lobes; lobes minute, apiculate; corolla usually carnose but often drying as though thinly textured, cylindric or tapering to the slightly flaring throat, occasionally thin waisted with a somewhat swollen base and distally flaring, (15-)17-28 mm long, mostly (2-)3-5 mm in diam., usually bright red for the basal 3/4 and apically white, the lobes acute, oblong, 1-2 mm long; stamens 10, staminal tube 1.5-2(-3) mm long, glabrous, the free portion of the anthers ciliate; thecae alternately 3.8-5 mm long and 4.8-6 mm long; tubules dehiscing by oval clefts 1.8-2.5 mm long; style 18-30 mm long and usually exserted 2-3 mm beyond the corolla, long persisting. Berry often glaucous, 5-6 x 7-8 mm.

Distribution and Ecology - Southern Mexico to eastern Panama, in cloud forest. Cultivated E.