Monographs Details:

1996. Fl. Ecuador. 54: 387.


Species Description - Epiphytic shrub; stem subterete, coarsely ridged and grooved but becoming terete, glabrous, minutely puberulent, or short-pubescent; twigs subterete, bluntly and coarsely angled, puberulent; bud scales supraxillary, lanceolate, acuminate, ca. 3 mm long. Leaves coriaceous, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 5-13 x 0.6-1.5 cm, base cuneate or rounded, apex obtuse to rounded, margin entire, strongly revolute so as to conceal actual margin, glabrous above or moderately to densely short-pubescent on both surfaces, glabrate, sparingly to moderately beset with reddish-brown, appressed, glandular fimbriae, 0.1-0.2 mm long; pinnately nerved, midrib prominently impressed above and raised beneath, lateral nerves and reticulate veinlets raised to impressed above and moderately so but obscure beneath; petiole flattened above and canaliculate, 3-4 mm long, glabrous to inconspicuously puberulous to short-pubescent. Inflorescence racemose, 10-16-flowered, surrounded by 6-8, appressed, lanceolate to narrowly triangular, acute, 3.5-5 mm long, finely short-pubescent bracts; rachis ridged or striate, 5-10 cm long, moderately to densely short-pubescent with white to hyaline trichomes 0.2-0.5 mm long, also with scattered glandular fimbriae; floral bract narrowly triangular to narrowly lanceolate, long-acuminate, 2.5-4 mm long, glabrous to short-pilose above, ciliate; pedicel 0.9-1.6 cm long, moderately to densely spreading short-pubescent with the slender, white to hyaline trichomes 0.2-0.3 mm long, also with scattered glandular fimbriae; bracteoles medial to submedial, appressed, narrowly triangular, acute to acumiate, 2-3 mm long, spreading short-pubescent. Flowers with calyx 5-6 mm long, moderately spreading short-pilose throughout, also with scattered glandular fimbriae; hypanthium obpyramidal to narrowly turbinate, strongly 5-angulate or winged, 4-5 mm long; limb 1-2 mm long; lobes narrowly triangular, acute to acuminate, sometimes apiculate, 1-2 mm long; corolla pentagonal, narrowly 5-winged, 7-9 mm long, tapering from the base to the apex, pale cream-green, glabrous, the lobes erect, 2.5-3 mm long, sparingly ciliate along the midrib, strongly reflexed at anthesis exposing the stamen and style; stamen 6-8.2 mm long, alternately slightly unequal; filaments equal, 1-2 mm long, sparsely ciliate and glandular-fimbriate; anther 7.5-9 mm long; thecae 2.5-3 mm long, asally tapering into a short-setose appendix, closely coherent basally due to the interlocking of the antheridial grooves; tubules 5-6 mm long, dehiscing by a narrow cleft ca. 1.5 mm long; style 8-9 mm long, glabrous. Fruit unknown.

Distribution and Ecology - Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador; primary moist forest to premontane forest at 900-1400 m altitude.
