Monographs Details:

Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560. (Published by NYBG Press)


Gaultheria rufolanata Sleumer

Description - Leaves ovate, strongly revolute lengthwise with margins almost touching, not bullate, (0.6-)l-2 × 0.4-0.6(-l.2) cm; petiole 2-3 mm long. Inflorescence short-racemose, 2-4-flowered; rachis ca. 1 cm long; bracteoles basal, subcoriaceous, ovate, ca. 3 mm long; floral bracts 4-5 mm long. Corolla 8-9 mm long, dark red.


Gaultheria lanigera is characterized by small and very rigid, concave or revolute leaves which are densely tomentose-lanate beneath and tomentose to villous-lanate inflorescences (including the rachises, pedicels, calyces, and corollas). The leaves often have pronounced abaxial papillae, especially in var. rufolanata. The species is very distinct and cannot be confused with any other. Collections of both varieties are few in number, and the variation between populations is slight.

Two collections of var. lanigera seem to be hybrids with G. glomerata, viz. Luteyn & Cotton 11223 and Camp E-2255pp, both from the Páramo de Tinajillas area. Both putative parental species grow together, sometimes intermixed. With regard to normal G. lanigera, the hybrid collections have larger, flatter (not bullate) and coriaceous (not rigid) leaves, with the margins not so conspicuously incurved or re volute, indumentum of the leaf, stem and inflorescence more densely hirsute (not tomentose-lanate), inflorescences about as long as the leaves, and corollas cream-white to pink. The pollen of Luteyn & Cotton 11223 was 25-75% inviable after treatment with cotton-blue plus lactophenol.

Four collections of var. lanigera seem to be hybrids with G. erecta, viz. Luteyn 13419 (Gualaceo-Limón rd.), Camp 2260 and 2283 (Páramo de Tinajillas), and Camp 4846 (Páramo de Castillo), all from Azuay Province. Both putative parental species may grow together. With regard to normal G. lanigera, the hybrid collections show larger leaves which are more ovate-elliptic and less concave in shape, leaves less densely pubescent on the undersurface, and inflorescence indumentum which is less dense but which is gland-tipped. Pollen inviability in Luteyn 13419 was very low, while in Camp 2260 it was up to 25% after treatment with cotton-blue plus lactophenol.

In all probability, the population of var. rufolanata at Páramo de Guasca is extinct because it is one of the most intensely collected areas near Bogota and yet has not been recollected since Cuatrecasas’s 1932 gathering.

Within ser. Tomentosae, G. lanigera is rather isolated, its habit of a low-growing, gregarious or colonial nature being quite different from that of either G. eriophylla or G. tomentosa. There are really very few collections of this species, however, and it is therefore difficult to elaborate on its relationships.

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