Monographs Details:

Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290. (Published by NYBG Press)


Species Description - Erect, often arching, terrestrial shrub, 2.5-3 m tall; stem base ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; mature branches terete, glabrous, ca. 1 cm in diam.; bark yellowish-brown; twigs bluntly angled or ribbed, minutely striate, glabrous, often bearing tiny, sessile blackish spherical glands. Leaves elliptic, lance-elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate, 9-16 X 3-6 cm, basally acute to narrowly obtuse or rarely rounded, apically acuminate to somewhat caudate-acuminate, glabrous but with scattered, reddish pustular glands 0.1-0.2 mm in diam. along upper leaf surface, these often caducous leaving a reddish or blackish papillate scar; 5(-7)-plinerved, innermost lateral nerves often arising 2-3 cm above base, midrib impressed above, raised and conspicuous beneath, lateral nerves impressed above becoming plane to slightly raised distally with outer lateral nerves often obscure beyond middle, raised and conspicuous beneath, veinlets raised and usually conspicuous above, obscure to slightly raised beneath; petioles terete, slightly flattened adaxially, rugose (2.5-)6-8(-10) mm long and 2-2.5(-3.5) mm in diam., glabrous or infrequently puberulent. Inflorescence viscid, 11-21(-26)-flowered, often with lowest several nodes sterile; rachis flattened, gradually tapering and often flexuous distally, conspicuously ribbed and minutely striate, glabrous or rarely puberulent, (3-)8-15 cm long and to 5 mm in diam., pink to dark pink when fresh, provided along its length and especially at base with tiny, peltate, globular reddish glands; floral bracts oblong to oblanceolate or rarely obovate, 30-50 X 10-20 mm, basally narrowed to a slightly clasping base, apically rounded to narrowly obtuse, marginally with 7-23 dark red, globular, peltate, or sessile glands ca. 0.7 mm in diam., pink, glabrous; pedicels subterete, swollen distally, striate, glabrous, (11-) 15-19 mm long and 1-1.5 mm in diam., pink, with few scattered, globular reddish glands; bracteoles basal, ovate or lanceolate, 1.5-2(-4) X 1-2 mm, pink, with few scattered, dark red, globular glands both along margins and apically. Flowers: calyx glabrous, 4-6 mm long; hypanthium cylindric or spreading, rugose to strongly ribbed, 1.5-2 mm long and 2.5 mm in diam., basally nonapophysate, green, surface usually obscured by dense covering of dark red globular to disc-shaped or irregularly angled peltate glands; limb cylindric-campanulate, smooth, (2.5-)3-3.5 mm long, pale green to pinkish, with scattered globular to disc-shaped peltate glands; lobes triangular, obtuse, 1-1.5 X 1.5 mm, erect after anthesis, marginally glandular-callose with glands contiguous or nearly so at lobe apices, pinkish-green with dark pink margins; sinus broadly rounded; corolla constricted basally and narrowed to throat, 25-35 mm long and 8-10 mm in diam., glabrous or pilose (then glabrous at constricted base), white, lobes triangular, obtuse, 1-2 mm long; stamens 27-30 mm long; filaments slightly coherent at base, strigose distally, alternately 4-6 mm and 10-13.5 mm long; anthers alternately 25-27 mm and 17-20.5 mm long; thecae 7.5-11 mm long; style 25-31 mm long. Berry not seen.


Cavendishia panamensis is closely related to C. arizonensis and C. fortunensis, a group collectively distinguished by profusely globular, glandular-margined floral bracts, and nonapophysate calyx hypanthia. The hypanthia are also nearly obscured from view by the large number of glands. Further comments about relationships may be found in the discussions of C. arizonensis and C. fortunensis.

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