Monographs Details:

Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290. (Published by NYBG Press)


Latin Diagnosis - Species distinguitur habitu hirsuto foliis bullatis 7(-9)-plinervis, lobis calycis bracteisque eglandulosis, colore corollarum, et filamentis connatis.

Species Description - Terrestrial or epiphytic shrub with stems to 3 m long; mature branches terete, glabrous, stramineous but minutely red muricate; twigs subterete, complanate, ± striate, densely short-hirsute with light reddish-brown trichomes. Leaves bullate, elliptic, (10-) 12-22 X 4-9 cm, basally obtuse or rounded, apically long- and narrow-acuminate, glabrate along nerves above but hirsute especially along nerves beneath; 7(-9)-plinerved, midrib thickened and raised through proximal 1-2.5 cm otherwise impressed, lateral nerves and veinlets impressed above and raised beneath; petiole terete, rugose, 8-13 mm long and 1.5-2.5 mm diam., densely short-pilose. Inflorescence axillary (often in axils of fallen leaves on older stems), 15-25(-35)-flowered; rachis subterete, striate, 6.5-13(-21) cm long and 1.5-2 (-2.5) mm diam., glaucous, densely hirsute with light reddish-brown trichomes; floral bracts strongly 5-ribbed, lanceolate or lance-elliptic, 13-20 X 4-5 mm, apically acuminate, green with purplish margins when fresh, ciliate, densely hirsute dorsally; pedicels subterete, striate, densely hirsute, 8-9(-13) mm long and ca. 0.6 mm diam.; bracteoles basal, membranaceous, oblong-elliptic or somewhat lanceolate, 3-5 X 1-2 mm, ciliate, hirsute dorsally along prominent midrib. Flowers: calyx hirsute, 7-11 mm long; hypanthium cylindric, 2-3 mm long and 6-7 mm diam., basally apophysate with apophysis margin smooth and directed in the plane of or perpendicular to calyx axis, with few scattered glandular fimbriae, pale green when fresh; limb cylindric when fresh but spreading when dry, 5-8 mm long, with few scattered glandular fimbriae, purple when fresh; lobes oblong-triangular, obtuse, 2.5-5 mm long, erect after anthesis, ciliate, eglandular; sinus rounded; corolla cylindric-urceolate, 9-12 mm long and 5-8 mm diam. at middle, fleshy with wall 1.8 mm thick at middle, densely appressed short-pilose, dark wine-red when fresh, outer epidermal layer sparsely pigmented, inner heavily pigmented, lobes oblong-triangular, obtuse, ca. 1.5 mm long, pale wine-red when fresh; stamens 7-9 mm long; filaments connate basal 1.5 mm, long-ciliate and densely pilose distal half of ventral surface, glabrous or sparsely pilose along central portion of dorsal surface, alternately 1.5 mm and ca. 3.5 mm long; anthers alternately 7-9 mm and 5-6 mm long; thecae 2-3 mm long; style subequal to corolla. Berry not seen.


Cavendishia vinacea is distinguished by its pubescent habit; 7-9-plinerved and bullate leaves; eglandular calyx lobes, bracts, and bracteoles; short, cylindric-urceolate corolla which is dark wine-red when fresh; and its partially connate filaments. It is without close relatives in the genus, and more collections are sorely needed.

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