Taxon Details: Gaultheria bradeana Sleumer
Taxon Profile:
Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:
Gaultheria bradeana Sleumer
Gaultheria bradeana Sleumer
Accepted Name:
This name is currently accepted.
This name is currently accepted.
Common Names:
urze de brade
urze de brade
Description: Prostrate, rhizomatous subshrub to 2 dm tall; mature stems subterete, striate, glabrous, grayish- to reddish-brown; twigs subterete, striate, puberulent; buds ovate, complanate, with reddish-brown scales. Leaves thin-coriaceous, oblong-elliptic, obovate to oblanceolate, broadest above middle, 0.6-1.5 x 0.3-0.6(-1) cm, base cuneate, attenuate, apex acute or rounded but short-mucronate, margin slightly recurved, bluntly and broadly serrate, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib slightly raised or impressed, often inconspicuous on both surfaces, lateral nerves (1-2 per side) slightly raised but often obscure on both surfaces, reticulate veinlets often obscure on both surfaces; petiole subterete, flattened above, 0.5-1 mm long, weakly puberulent. Inflorescence axillary, flowers solitary; pedicels subterete, 3-4 mm long, elongating to 7 mm and apparently swelling distally in fruit, weakly puberulent; bracteoles 5-6, scattered, clasping and partially obscuring pedicel, ovate, 1-2.5 x 0.8-1.3(-2) mm, acute, glabrous but margin glandular-fimbriate, not ciliolate; floral bract similar to bracteoles, basal, ca. 1 mm long and broad. Flowers with calyx (1.8-)2.5-3 mm long, lobes ovate, (1.4-)2-2.3 x 1.5-1.7(-2) mm, acute to acuminate, glabrous without, sparsely puberulent distally at tips within; corolla cylindric-campanulate, slightly constricted at throat or broadest there at anthesis, 2-3.5 x 2.5-3.5 mm, glabrous without but pilose within, white to pink, lobes oblong-ovate, obtuse; stamens 1.7-2.2 mm long; filaments 1.3-1.6 mm long, glabrous; anthers 0.6-1 mm long with awns rudimentary, anther distally truncate or apiculately bifid; ovary glabrous; style ca. 1-1.4 mm long, glabrous. Fruiting calyx globose but turbinate when dry, 4-6 mm diam., glabrous, blue-black.
Distribution: Endemic to wet, open boggy areas in the campos or cloud forest zone along the eastern edge of the southern planalto of SE Brazil at elevations of l650-2500 m. Flowering and fruiting occur in both Nov-Jan and May-Jun
Type: Brazil. Minas Gerais: Itatiaia, campos, 2000-2300 m, 27 Dec 1895 (fl, fr), Ule 187 (holotype, RB, n.v., frag. LIL, n.v.).
Illustration: Fl. Il. Catarin. ERIC, p. 9. 1975.
Common names: Urze de brade (Santa Catarina).
Uses: The fruit is reported to be edible (Rambo 60223).
Description: Prostrate, rhizomatous subshrub to 2 dm tall; mature stems subterete, striate, glabrous, grayish- to reddish-brown; twigs subterete, striate, puberulent; buds ovate, complanate, with reddish-brown scales. Leaves thin-coriaceous, oblong-elliptic, obovate to oblanceolate, broadest above middle, 0.6-1.5 x 0.3-0.6(-1) cm, base cuneate, attenuate, apex acute or rounded but short-mucronate, margin slightly recurved, bluntly and broadly serrate, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib slightly raised or impressed, often inconspicuous on both surfaces, lateral nerves (1-2 per side) slightly raised but often obscure on both surfaces, reticulate veinlets often obscure on both surfaces; petiole subterete, flattened above, 0.5-1 mm long, weakly puberulent. Inflorescence axillary, flowers solitary; pedicels subterete, 3-4 mm long, elongating to 7 mm and apparently swelling distally in fruit, weakly puberulent; bracteoles 5-6, scattered, clasping and partially obscuring pedicel, ovate, 1-2.5 x 0.8-1.3(-2) mm, acute, glabrous but margin glandular-fimbriate, not ciliolate; floral bract similar to bracteoles, basal, ca. 1 mm long and broad. Flowers with calyx (1.8-)2.5-3 mm long, lobes ovate, (1.4-)2-2.3 x 1.5-1.7(-2) mm, acute to acuminate, glabrous without, sparsely puberulent distally at tips within; corolla cylindric-campanulate, slightly constricted at throat or broadest there at anthesis, 2-3.5 x 2.5-3.5 mm, glabrous without but pilose within, white to pink, lobes oblong-ovate, obtuse; stamens 1.7-2.2 mm long; filaments 1.3-1.6 mm long, glabrous; anthers 0.6-1 mm long with awns rudimentary, anther distally truncate or apiculately bifid; ovary glabrous; style ca. 1-1.4 mm long, glabrous. Fruiting calyx globose but turbinate when dry, 4-6 mm diam., glabrous, blue-black.
Distribution: Endemic to wet, open boggy areas in the campos or cloud forest zone along the eastern edge of the southern planalto of SE Brazil at elevations of l650-2500 m. Flowering and fruiting occur in both Nov-Jan and May-Jun
Type: Brazil. Minas Gerais: Itatiaia, campos, 2000-2300 m, 27 Dec 1895 (fl, fr), Ule 187 (holotype, RB, n.v., frag. LIL, n.v.).
Illustration: Fl. Il. Catarin. ERIC, p. 9. 1975.
Common names: Urze de brade (Santa Catarina).
Uses: The fruit is reported to be edible (Rambo 60223).
Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):
Gaultheria bradeana Sleumer: [Article] Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560.
Gaultheria bradeana Sleumer: [Article] Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560.