Filed As:
Satyria boliviana Luteyn
Satyria boliviana Luteyn
All Determinations:
Satyria boliviana Luteyn det. J. L. Luteyn, 1990
Note: ! J.L. Luteyn, 2007; ! P. Pedraza, 2012
Thibaudia boliviana (Luteyn) E.A.Powell det. E. A. Powell, 2005
Note: Unpublished & invalid name, P. Pedraza, 2012
Satyria boliviana Luteyn det. J. L. Luteyn, 1990
Note: ! J.L. Luteyn, 2007; ! P. Pedraza, 2012
Thibaudia boliviana (Luteyn) E.A.Powell det. E. A. Powell, 2005
Note: Unpublished & invalid name, P. Pedraza, 2012
Bolivia. La Paz. Sud Yungas Prov. Along rd. through primary cloud forest, 7.0-9.4 km. NE of (above) Huancané. Alt. 2286 - 2499 m. (7500 - 8199 ft.)
Bolivia. La Paz. Sud Yungas Prov. Along rd. through primary cloud forest, 7.0-9.4 km. NE of (above) Huancané. Alt. 2286 - 2499 m. (7500 - 8199 ft.)
Terrestrial and epiphytic from lignotuber. Calyx red. Corolla red with white tips.
Terrestrial and epiphytic from lignotuber. Calyx red. Corolla red with white tips.
primary cloud forest. Scattered.
primary cloud forest. Scattered.
Feature Notes:
(Pickled; lignotuber; living)
(Pickled; lignotuber; living)
Collection Notes: Pickled; lignotuber; living
Specimen Notes: Institution: "LPB, NY"
Collection Notes: Pickled; lignotuber; living
Specimen Notes: Institution: "LPB, NY"
NY Barcode: 1581780
GUID: 3e5827e7-ee2f-4a49-9874-f7bd99144a99
NY Barcode: 1581780
GUID: 3e5827e7-ee2f-4a49-9874-f7bd99144a99
Coordinates: (-16.33, -67.53)
Coordinates: (-16.33, -67.53)