Filed As:
Orthaea weberbauerii Hoerold
Orthaea weberbauerii Hoerold
Bolivia. La Paz. Nor Yungas Prov. Chuspipata to Coroico road, along side road S out of Chuspipata towards factory, ca. 4.5 km out of Chuspipata. Alt. 2743 m. (8999 ft.)
Bolivia. La Paz. Nor Yungas Prov. Chuspipata to Coroico road, along side road S out of Chuspipata towards factory, ca. 4.5 km out of Chuspipata. Alt. 2743 m. (8999 ft.)
Terrestrial shrub, ca. 3 m tall. Leaves very hard, coriaceous. Calyx reddish-green. Corolla dark red. Immature fruits green. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Terrestrial shrub, ca. 3 m tall. Leaves very hard, coriaceous. Calyx reddish-green. Corolla dark red. Immature fruits green. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Disturbed forest slopes. Rare.
Disturbed forest slopes. Rare.
Feature Notes:
[Photo; pickled].
[Photo; pickled].
NY Barcode: 01204595
GUID: 23947544-e9d0-49b4-8c20-000ce6906092
NY Barcode: 01204595
GUID: 23947544-e9d0-49b4-8c20-000ce6906092
Coordinates: (-16.3132, -67.8173)
Coordinates: (-16.3132, -67.8173)