Filed As:
Thibaudia inflata Luteyn
Thibaudia inflata Luteyn
All Determinations:
Thibaudia inflata Luteyn det. J. L. Luteyn
Note: orig. det. as T. floribunda by jll
Thibaudia inflata Luteyn det. J. L. Luteyn
Note: orig. det. as T. floribunda by jll
Ecuador. Cotopaxi. Quevedo-Latacunga road, km 52-53, Tenefuerte, Rio Pilalo. Alt. 900 m. (2953 ft.)
Ecuador. Cotopaxi. Quevedo-Latacunga road, km 52-53, Tenefuerte, Rio Pilalo. Alt. 900 m. (2953 ft.)
Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
Specimen Notes: orig. det. as T. floribunda by jll. NYPC conversion: (4/96) Dupe(s) verified by JLL at MO, NY, QCNE, SEL (from orig. DUPDISTRIB field).
Specimen Notes: orig. det. as T. floribunda by jll. NYPC conversion: (4/96) Dupe(s) verified by JLL at MO, NY, QCNE, SEL (from orig. DUPDISTRIB field).
GUID: 400b3705-7a49-42b5-9482-f12698259fef
GUID: 400b3705-7a49-42b5-9482-f12698259fef