Filed As:
Ceratostema oellgaardii Luteyn
Ceratostema oellgaardii Luteyn
All Determinations:
Ceratostema oellgaardii Luteyn det. J. L. Luteyn
Note: orig. det. C. aff. lanceolatum by jll 1991
Ceratostema oellgaardii Luteyn det. J. L. Luteyn
Note: orig. det. C. aff. lanceolatum by jll 1991
Ecuador. Loja. Parque Nacional Podocarpus, E of Nudo de Cajanuma, just N of Centro de Informacion, sample plot site. Alt. 2900 m. (9514 ft.)
Ecuador. Loja. Parque Nacional Podocarpus, E of Nudo de Cajanuma, just N of Centro de Informacion, sample plot site. Alt. 2900 m. (9514 ft.)
Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Phenology of specimen: Flower.
wet montane forest.
wet montane forest.
Specimen Notes: orig. det. C. aff. lanceolatum by jll 1991. NYPC conversion: (4/96) Dupe(s) verified by JLL at AAU, QCA (from orig. DUPDISTRIB field).
Specimen Notes: orig. det. C. aff. lanceolatum by jll 1991. NYPC conversion: (4/96) Dupe(s) verified by JLL at AAU, QCA (from orig. DUPDISTRIB field).
GUID: 8be516b4-161e-4743-9805-f9abb98888e0
GUID: 8be516b4-161e-4743-9805-f9abb98888e0
Coordinates: (-4.08, -79.17)
Coordinates: (-4.08, -79.17)