Filed As:

Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh
All Determinations:

Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh det. S. A. Mori, 08 Jul 2016

Common Names:

spotted wintergreen

United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, Northern Loop, from the start of the Loop and along the northwestern side of the Loop.

S. A. Mori 28051 with M. Rothman, C. Gracie, Z. Chaves & D. Schniedewind, 08 Jul 2016

Herb, 8 cm tall. Green leaves with white maculations. Flowers nodding; calyx green; petals 5, white; stamens 10, the filaments white, drops of nectar secreted between the bases of the filaments, with white trichomes on the lower part of the filaments, the anthers poricidal, with prongated tubes at their apices; ovary green, the style short but well-defined, the stigma capitate. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

In late secondary deciduous forest. Very common.

Collection Notes: No herbarium sheets made. Collection vouchered by images only.
Specimen Notes: Images only, no herbarium vouchers collected.

GUID: c3bf6c05-634c-432d-847c-1cc2c5000983

Georeferencing Method: GPS
Coordinates: (41.1906, -73.5901)


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